We have moved our support service to a new technical support system. Since 17.01.2022, we have disabled the ability to create appeals through the userecho personal account. Now all requests are processed via mail to support@iridi.com .

Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.


Temperature graph

Harald Kjellevik 7 years ago in Modules updated by Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 7 years ago 3

Please add a module with a widget showing historical temperatures by room, outdoor, by day, by week and so on.


No curtains/shutter widgets in Modbus module for i3 lite

Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 7 years ago in Modules updated by Slava Zhuravlev (expert) 7 years ago 2


There are no widgets available for shutters/curtains in the i3 lite module for Modbus.

Please add




Apple TV Driver Appear In i3 Lite Store

Dmitry Ryzhkov 8 years ago in Modules updated by Govinda Raja 6 years ago 5

Hello everybody, moving projects in somebody:)))

New Apple TV Lite driver in the Cloud Store.


Alexa Gate active words

Adir Peleg 6 years ago in Modules updated 6 years ago 7

I use HDL with alexa gate

For Light and AC i use "tune on" \ "turn off" 

For AC Fan Speed - what words should i say ?

For AC Mode change - what words should i say ?

For Global Cache Macros - Turn On \ Turn OFF work :), but  "active macro" doesn't work (For use with macros name "TV OFF, Room AV OFF"). if i want to use "tv off "macro i have to say "Turn ON TV OFF" whice is a problam.


Adir Peleg


Zwave fibaro Madule

avaneesh pathak 7 years ago in Modules updated by Dmitriy Shilyaev 6 years ago 29

Dear Team


First of all , thank you very much for help on different  module and technology .

Here ,I'm writing for Zwave Fibaro  JS Module which is available on website .

I'm a system integrator of KNX and z-wave ,where I want to use iridium for its advanced capabilities and GUI.

I tried with readymade driver , its work very fine .

1:- In this module  , the the device id is programed in setup JavaScript and according the property of the device , the popup came  but how can I program it for a real home eg. let say a home with 4 bedroom and one living .

In living  I have installed 4 switching  actuator (id-12,13,14,15) ,1 Dimming(id -16) , 2 Curtain(id -18,19) ,1 RGB(id -20,21,22) and so on with master room ,Kids room , parents room,and guset room (4  S/W, 2Dim ,2 Curatin , 1RGB In each room) .

Now I want to give the client a proper GUI like iOS Style (Black edition) or iOS Style for Smart Home  or Slide (available for download On website ) with real-time feedback .How can I do that with zwave fibaro module .

Please help me to do this task ,if any example with fibro system with this type of control, you can provide its very useful for  me .

I want to give client a proper solution with Iridium with unlimited possibilities which is not possible with fibaro  application

Hope I make my self clear with the desire , feel free to ask if any question .

Eagerly waiting for positive reply


Under review

Get Server IP for a server project

Vitor - Kalatec Home - 4 years ago in Modules updated by Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 4 years ago 1


I would like to know how to get the LAN IPv4 address of a computer running iRidium Server. I searched in the system tokens but none of them seems to have this information. I also tried something like IR.GetServer().Host. But IR.GetServer() object does not have this property.

Thank you.

Under review

Драйвер PTZ-камеры Visca

Alexey S. 4 years ago in Modules updated by Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 4 years ago 5


Подскажите, есть ли где-нибудь готовый пример управления PTZ-камерой по протоколу Visca?

Under review

USB WebCam

Joseanio Galdino 4 years ago in Modules updated by Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 4 years ago 1

HI there! 

Is there a way to use USB camera connected to PC as a dynamic image in the iridium UI project ??

The goal is have USB device as image source,  as we have RTSP / HTTP video and image source.

If there is not way at now,  here is a suggestion / idea!


Integrate Daikin air conditioning systems

Manuel Dias 5 years ago in Modules updated by Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 5 years ago 5

Daikin air conditioners are nowadays all equipped with an wireless controller . Could a JS Module be created to control Daikin AC units ?





Zigbee and z-wave

Kent-G 5 years ago in Modules updated by Anna Isaeva (expert) 4 years ago 14

Hi. Is there a easy way to add and controll both zigbee and z-wave gear true i3 lite?