Мы перевели нашу службу поддержки на новую систему технической поддержки. С 17.01.2022 мы отключили возможность создавать обращения через личный кабинет userecho. Теперь все запросы обрабатываются по почте на support@iridi.com .
Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.
logarithmic level curves
Something I really miss are logarithmic curves for levels.
When I use a fader to control the lights, often you want more precision in the lower values.
So when you got a logarithmic curve, it's work so much beter.
Is this something whats planned for the future, or is there a way to make a level work logarithmic?
My regards,
Paul van Boven
Сomments under the modules in store
In the store users can leave comments under the modules. Are they mailing to developers?
Without Internet
I don´t have Internet in the building where I must use the IRIDIUM, Can I download and license the server and I3 pro client with any other way?
Main and Sub-Server communication possible?
for a touring project we need the ability to remotely control a some devices via a UDP command.
But theres no change to get them all together in a seperate LAN, so the idea came up to use one iRidium Server at the company office working as a "Command"-Server. And using additional iRidium Servers with each device that needs to get an UDP command, and that connected via the Internet.
Here's a schematic picture:
The number on the "Sub Servers" is not constant. So, the plan was to make 1 Sub-Server project that connects to the Main-Server. Is this a possible scenario? And, how to setup the Main iRidium Server to be connected by all of these Sub Servers?
The goal is that a iRidium Client that is connected to the Main iRidium Server (iPad) has a simple Interface and can trigger a Remote-Command to the Main-Server. Then the command should be sent out to all the Sub Servers, and they should send out that command via UDP to a connected MediaPlayer.
Открыть плейер Sonos по имени
Используйте приведенный метод для обращения к плееру по имени группы в которой он находится:
function SelectGroupByName(name) { // если групп нет выходим if(groups.length == 0) { debug('groups.length == 0'); return; } // ищем id группы по имени var index; for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { if(groups[i].name == name) { index = i; break; } } // если группу не найдем - выходим if(index == undefined){ return; } // подсветка HighLightSelectedZone(index); // отображение group = groups[index]; // повторная подписка для получения актуального состояния плейера UnSubscribe(group.parent); Subscribe(group.parent); ToggleOpenVolumeGroup(group.members.length > 0); }
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