
On this forum you can discuss iRidium with other users.

iRidium consist of 2 main components - i3 pro app and iRidium Server. Please post here your questions, ideas or errors you find.

Please send your questions to support team as a private messages.

Please subscribe to the Change Log to know our news

We have moved our support service to a new technical support system. Since 17.01.2022, we have disabled the ability to create appeals through the userecho personal account. Now all requests are processed via mail to support@iridi.com .

Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.


requests from database using the panel project

Erik van den Brink 9 years ago in Server Solutions updated by Dmitry - support (expert) 8 years ago 3


Is it possible to do requests(with SQL Query) from a database using the panel project script.

so not using the server project scripts. the problem i'm having is that the script in the panel project does not support the SQL language, i think?

when i want to declare a new SQL(); this syntax is not accepted by the client

var mybase = new SQL();




Проблема с именами каналов драйвера сервера

Андрей Курников 9 years ago in Server Solutions updated by Oksana (expert) 8 years ago 8

1) Если изменить название каналов в существующем серверном проекте и синхронизировать драйвер в клиентском проекте то имена каналов на клиенте не меняются
2) При изменении состояния какого либо адреса в KNX(вкл/выкл) и прочтению его например по событию IR.EVENT_TAG_CHANGE - имя тега остается такое же как в шине а не как названо в драйвере
3) При изменении имени канала сервера (в серверном или клиентском приложении) почему то пропадает возможность добавить feedback.


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Сервер "Победа"

Дмитрий Марков 9 years ago in Server Solutions updated by Dmitry - support (expert) 9 years ago 4

1. Кто разработчик контроллера Победа?

2. Есть ли у них поддержка, сайт, контакты?

3. На борту у контроллера есть GSM/GPRS модуль, можно ли как то с ним взаимодействовать с Iridium сервер?


is it possible to send e-mail from server?

Melih 9 years ago in Server Solutions / Windows Server updated by Dmitry - support (expert) 8 years ago 7

Is it possible to send an e-mail from server which will be triggered by a value received from knx datapoint ?

Waiting for user's reply

autostart linux server

Erik van den Brink 9 years ago in Server Solutions / Linux Server updated by Jackie Roos 8 years ago 3


Is there a command or setting to autostart the server on a linux device?

Also the "W" button shortcut isn't working in the server i think this need's to be checked.

I'm using a PC running Xubuntu 16.04 LTS


Remove Test Mode from the Cloud

Jackie Roos 9 years ago in Server Solutions updated by Oksana (expert) 8 years ago 2

Can we please add the ability to remove a server from test mode in the cloud?

Currently we have to have access to the server to remove it from test mode.

It would be great to be able to toggle test mode here:

Image 12789

Under review

Сервер постоянно перезагружается. Даже не успевает загружать иридиум.

Петр Андреев 9 years ago in Server Solutions / UMC Server updated 9 years ago 8

Сервер постоянно перезагружается. Даже не успевает загружать иридиум.

через каждые 2 минуты примерно.

Not a bug

Server project, UDP Showing a online when it is not

Jackie Roos 9 years ago in Server Solutions updated by Oksana (expert) 9 years ago 8


In a server/client project the UDP driver online token is showing as online when the server is connected, but the device is not. Tested only in Windows Server.

Eg in server, to make sure, I tried setting the host to empty, and another IP that is does not have any device connected on my network.

Image 12584

BUT! The driver online token still shows online as true. The only time the state is changed to offline is when the server is not running

Please fix, thanks


Hello Jackie,

This is situation is normal for UDP protocol.


User Datagram Protocol is a simpler message-based connectionless protocol. Connectionless protocols do not set up a dedicated end-to-end connection. Communication is achieved by transmitting information in one direction from source to destination without verifying the readiness or state of the receiver.

Server Sends commands to offline devices

Jackie Roos 9 years ago in Server Solutions updated 9 years ago 2


When server is not connected to a device, it will still try and send a command (tested only in Windows server). This could have undesired side-effects as it could cause an error in the driver.

Please change server so that if a device if offline, even if the client sends a command, no commands are sent

In the short term I will put this in my drivers (Except UPD drivers as they report as online when they are not: http://support.iridiummobile.net/topics/9006-server-project-upd-showing-a-online-when-it-is-not/)

   IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_CHANNEL_SET, THIS.DEVICE, function(command, value){                      
      if (IR.GetVariable("Global.Online")){    


Under review

external access to database

Daniel Petrini 9 years ago in Server Solutions / Windows Server updated by Oksana (expert) 9 years ago 1


I would like to feed the Iridium server database with external device data, so that I can show in Visualization on panels as a trend.

How can I feed data to Iridium server?
I checked Rest API in http://dev.iridiummobile.net/REST_API/en but it has no information about how to access the database from external devices.

