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iRidium consist of 2 main components - i3 pro app and iRidium Server. Please post here your questions, ideas or errors you find.
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We have moved our support service to a new technical support system. Since 17.01.2022, we have disabled the ability to create appeals through the userecho personal account. Now all requests are processed via mail to support@iridi.com .
Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.
Problem with audio for windows with new SIP driver commands and feedbacks in studio
There are some new SIP driver commands and feedbacks added in the new studio software.
I now got a problem with the audio connection to windows where this worked good in the older 2.2 software.
Is there some demoproject or manual where this new commands and feedbacks are explained?
Please use this project. Here you can turn on different options to increase sound quality. (open the sound settings when calling or before, in driver settings)
Please upgrade all iRIdium components to the latest version from our web site.
More information about sound quality settings you can find here: http://dev.iridiummobile.net/SIP-telephony/en
iRidium and АМХ TP4: Range Time Up / Range Time Down
In the bargraph button mode the "Range Time Up" and "Range Time Down" properties do not work. It does not allow you to detect the delay for sending the value when moving the slider. (c)
iRidium and АМХ TP4: ^BMF и ^BSP
iRidium and АМХ TP4: HOLD in IRLB Library
Add the possibility to use active items (button, bargraph, etc., buttons with HOLD) in IRLB_ library. It is really needed! (c)
There is also an event - HOLD_END which has to be described in the list of IRLB commands.
i2control, iOs, bluetooth audio spekaer, SIP call
Whe iOs device paired with bluetooth speaker (not a handset!), than all sounds going through this speaker.
All sound from i2control app coming through bluetooth-speaker too.
But, when one trying to make a SIP call inside of i2control, voice (inside of call) going out from device speaker, not a bluetooth speaker.
Please, add an programmatic (or config option) to tune this feature: pass a voice through device's spekarer or attached bluetooth speaker.
драйвер Modbus TCP/RTU/ASCII
У меня возник вопрос по драйверу Modbus TCP.
Я взялся написать модуль и сканер для российской компании, производящей оборудование DALI. В том числе шлюз на TCP/RTU.
В процессе выяснилось, что их оборудование работает нестандартно, периодически выпадая в глухую ошибку при циклическом опросе регистров.
Пообщался с разработчиками шлюза и выяснил причину такого поведения.
Суть проблемы в том, что команды из Modbus напрямую пробрасываются в шину DALI. Шина намного медленнее, чем Modbus TCP и в результате ответ от устройств приходит максимум за 2 секунды. При этом шлюз выдаёт ошибку, если процедура Poll не дождавшись ответа от устройства начинает опрашивать другие регистры.
Если я опрашиваю один регистр с единственного подключенного устройства в шине DALI, то стандартный драйвер работает без проблем. Если же я добавляю хотя бы ещё один регистр - шлюз уходит в ошибку и перестаёт выдавать какие-либо данные.
Можно сделать клон драйвера Modbus TCP с управляемым циклическим опросом регистров Варианты:
- с ожиданием ответа от регистра в процессе опроса (параметр у драйвера ???)
- с регулируемой паузой между опросами регистров (параметр у драйвера)
- программно исключать из цикла опроса регистры (параметр в Feedback)... Это даст возможность создать статический список фидбэков и на лету включать/отключать
Clipsal feedback parameters from Measurement application
How do feedback parameters in Studio ("Group", "Command", "Parameter" and "ParamArg") relate to arguments of channel measurement data ("Device ID", "Channel", "Units")? Can I get temperature data ("MSB", "LSB") without using scripts?
Is there any Sony Bravia IP Control example panel?
Is there any Sony Bravia IP Control example panel?
PLease include the lastest HDL Wireless devices in iRidium 3.x
please include the latest HDL wireless components correctly
into iRidium 3.x
for example there are new "1channel relais", "2channel relais", "1channel curtain control" out
with changed id-codes depending on a new firmware in these modules. iRidium doesn't recognize
them correctly.
also, all these new HDL wireless devices have 4-dry-contact inputs.these should be also included
directly into each device. otherwise we allways have to write additional devices and give them the same subnetid/deviceid, thats bad.
also the outdoor microwave/lux/humidity/temperature sensor is not recognized corrects, along with the wireless dlp panels! they have inbuild dimmer support.
and last big question, is it possible to clone/copy a self created hdl-device after setting it up with all the commands and feedback-channels needed? i can't see this option in the list?
martin lang
2n helios ip
I am interested in adding 2N Helios ip door intercom to my project. I have no idea where to start, anybody can help me with that. I have tried using SIP intercom but that is not working for me. Any suggestions please,
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