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Мы перевели нашу службу поддержки на новую систему технической поддержки. С 17.01.2022 мы отключили возможность создавать обращения через личный кабинет userecho. Теперь все запросы обрабатываются по почте на support@iridi.com .

Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.


Question: how a KNX-project is imported??


a question:

on what filter/requirements/flags, an .KNXPROJ-file is imported in to the Studio software, and divided in Commands and/or Feedbacks???

In other words: why almost all Commands are the same like all feedbacks, and we don't see the right channels in Commands and the right channels in Feedbacks?

We don't understand the procedure how the 'decision' is made in the software when importing .pr3/pr4/pr5/knxproj-files.

Please clarify, because now the import is 'unusable': almost all Commands are also mentioned in the feedbacks, and all Feedbacks are mentioned in the Commands...



Не ошибка

Creating a panel project from server project --> IP-address is not copied

Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 9 лет назад в Приложения / Studio (Server editor) обновлен Oksana (expert) 9 лет назад 3


Create server project with IP-address (in properties) to server

Create panel project from server project (using "Create panel project" option)

See, that the IP-address is not copied into the panel project, and by that reason, the panel project is not working.

Please fix: when use the option "Creating panel project" from server project, copy the used IP-address into the created panelproject.



Не ошибка

Macro all ways going to press

Maurits Roos 9 лет назад в Приложения / Studio (Server editor) обновлен Oksana (expert) 9 лет назад 1

When you save a macro that is a release or hold when you use that macro to drag it on to a button it always sets it as a press

Can this be fixed so if you save a macro as a release when you drag it on to a button it will be a release not a press

Oksana (expert) 9 лет назад

Hello Maurits,

We haven't function, where you can save macro "On Release" or "On Press", you save only command of macro.

Then, you can drag macro to any event in Proramming tab.

Please, watch the video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw5TgGlnxM3CME4tZjFJbzBtcmM/view?usp=sharing

Не ошибка

Problem with DMX-feedbacks in Helvar Net (TCP) Driver > 255

Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 9 лет назад в Приложения / Studio (Server editor) обновлен Oksana (expert) 8 лет назад 3


Please see the attached project.

It is not possible to create feedbacks with a device-number > 255. And our customers need that, because this is the DMX-feedback channel.

Please fix this a.s.a.p.; because now projects can not created with feedbacks > 255.

Test Feedback above 255 v3.irpz



Идет голосование

F1 (or F3) is changing the name of an item

Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 9 лет назад в Приложения / Studio (Server editor) обновлен Oksana (expert) 9 лет назад 3


Changing the name of an item is very important when programming in Javascript.

Therefore, it would be great if the F1 or F3-key is pointing to the name-property of the item.

The same like F2 for changing the text-property, but now for the name of the item.



Oksana (expert) 9 лет назад

Hello Theo,

You can rename items via Project Overview Panel.

For example: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw5TgGlnxM3CSVFPWE9fZ1FsTWs/view?usp=sharing

1. Set an item in Project Overview Panel

2. "F2" (go to Object Properties/Name)

3. Rename.

4. Enter (save a new name)

5. Esc (for back in Project Overview Panel)

6. Set next item with keyboard and etc

Идет голосование

Drag & Drop feedbacks to 2 or more items

Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 9 лет назад в Приложения / Studio (Server editor) обновлен Oksana (expert) 9 лет назад 1


Create a new project

Draw 2 items (buttons)

Select the 2 items

Select a feedback from a driver, and drag & drop this feedback the selected items.

Only the first item is bound to the feedback, but not the second item.

This is working great with sound, so it would be great if this can be implmented for Feedbacks too!

Please add



Идет голосование

Drag & Drop commands to 2 or more selected items

Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 9 лет назад в Приложения / Studio (Server editor) обновлен Oksana (expert) 9 лет назад 1


Create a new project

Draw 2 items (buttons)

Select the 2 items

Select a command from a driver, and drag & drop this command the selected items.

Only the first item is bound to the command, but not the second item.

This is working great with sound, so it would be great if this can be implmented for Commands too!

Please add



Ожидает ответа пользователя

The way commands are added affects if value is truncated or not

Jackie Roos 9 лет назад в Приложения / Studio (Server editor) обновлен 9 лет назад 7

1. EXISTING button and command that was created by opening iRidium 2 project into iRidium 3,and the parameter sent to server is 254

Image 12573

Value is truncated to 254:

Image 12574

2. Copy and paste EXISTING button that was created by opening iRidium 2 project into iRidium 3 with different command but existing same value (254/203/1). Change command to Enable On,

Image 12577

Value is not truncated (254/203/1)

Image 12578

3. create a new button and drag on the command, enter the value 254/203/1

Image 12579

Value is truncated to 254:

Image 12580

Please fix ASAP


New fonts in iRidium 3.0

Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 9 лет назад в Приложения / Studio (Server editor) обновлен Oksana (expert) 9 лет назад 3


In iRidium 3.0 many fonts are added with icons inside.

PLease include these fonts (with the icons available) at dev.iridiummobile.net, so everybody can see what letter = what image/icon.

Now it's almost impossible to figure out this.

Also make a iRidium project with all these icons/images displayed with a beautiful function/script.



На рассмотрении

Opening webpage in iRidium mobile

Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 9 лет назад в Приложения / Studio (Server editor) обновлен Oksana (expert) 9 лет назад 4


Does anybody know how to open a webpage in iridium Studio?

We can't find documentation at dev.iridiummobile.net how to do this..



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