On this forum you can discuss iRidium with other users.
iRidium consist of 2 main components - i3 pro app and iRidium Server. Please post here your questions, ideas or errors you find.
Please send your questions to support team as a private messages.
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We have moved our support service to a new technical support system. Since 17.01.2022, we have disabled the ability to create appeals through the userecho personal account. Now all requests are processed via mail to support@iridi.com .
Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.
Send QR code to email after generation?
Now, we can generate a QR-code in MyAccount section:
And then? It would be convenient if we can send the QR-code by mail to an user...
Please add this option.
Accept <ENTER> after changing name of project
After changing the name, please accept <ENTER> to accept the new name of the project. Now the 'check' box must pressed, but it is more convenient for installer to use the <ENTER> button on keyboard.
Чтение каналов KNX c UMC
Добрый день!
Запрос на чтение канала из KNX игнорируется.
Т.е. сервер подключается по IP к устройству, получает состояние.
После этого я подключаю KNX и отправляю запрос на чтение канала, ответа не приходит.
Это стандартная функция в KNX. Это очень нужно.
Not possible to remove a state when 2 buttons are selected
Create new project
create 2 buttons (with by default 2 states)
Select both buttons
Try to remove the current state for both buttons --> not possible...
Why is this not possible?
This can be very easy for fast editing multiple states on buttons...
Please add this feature.
Отображение картинок распакованного проекта в галерее (android)
Есть проблемка при распаковке проекта на android-девайсах. При распаковке картинок (например, по пути /storage/emulated/0/iRidium Mobile/<proj_name>) стандартная андроид-галерея подтягивает их к себе (картинки проекта отображаются в галерее), что не очень приятно заказчикам.Выход есть - в папке картинок создать пустой файл .nomedia
Создавать его при каждом обновлении проекта очень неудобно.Попытался закинуть файл внутрь архива .irpz в папку images, однако, при каждом пересохранении проекта GUI Editor сносит его оттуда.
Может есть какое-то изящное решение?И хотелось бы в следующем апдейте GUI Editor'a видеть автоматическое добавление этого файла в папку images в архив проекта.
В Студии, если в проекте есть хотя бы одна картинка, файл .nomedia создается автоматически.
Not possible to move commands (or feedbacks) in the Project Device panel to a specific location in the project device tree by drag and drop
It's a little bit pitty to see, we still can not drag & drop commands & feedbacks in the project device tree to a location in the project device tree that is not visible.
We are waiting for this option for 3 years now, and it's still not implemented.
Installers with many, many objects in the project device tree want this option for sure!
drag&drop at project creation
For me it is very important in the server to have the function of transferring everything from IP to KNX and back. That is why I think it is very important to implement the drag&drop function for connection of different drivers with each other. I.e. if you want to send the status of a receiver working via IP in KNX somewhere else, you just drag it there and everything works .
Now, besides writing 2 drivers (or using the ready ones) - 1 for each device of the link, you need to write the 3d one which transfers the data
https images not shown
Thinking about this I have probably asked this before if not, can you please add support for https:// When a graphical item is assigned an image url that refers to an https server the image is not displayed.
It has been fixed from i3 pro (beta), please, test.
Display sidebar on iOS
For the moment it is possible to turn Status Bur on or off only in the iRidium Settings on iOS device:
1. in system menu of iRidium app
2. In the iOS settings of iRidium app
But it should be available in Project setings in GUI Editor also, in case of updating of several panels. It is not ok if you have to turn Status bar on for each panel manually.
It is not also good that is not possible to set this option up for each project that could be used in Multiprojecting mode
Customer support service by UserEcho