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Мы перевели нашу службу поддержки на новую систему технической поддержки. С 17.01.2022 мы отключили возможность создавать обращения через личный кабинет userecho. Теперь все запросы обрабатываются по почте на support@iridi.com .
Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.
iPad app logging...
Currently we can write to the log in javascript with IR.Log method. We can see these entries with the log screen of windows emulator. It would be nice if we could have a similar feature for the ipad. It doesn't necessarily have to be real-time like windows but we do need to see the log. I would suggest something like an option in the settings called Logging. When then is enabled, an additional button will appear in the setting that will give us access to see the log events generated by the app. A bit like the diagnostics logs ipad.
receive feedback from dimer control lighting
I'm control lighting in myhome system. I have a problem is: when I control lighting by actuator (switch 03844- only ON/OFF) I see feedback of lighting. But I control by dimmer ( ON/OFF and DIMMER, I don't see feedback ON/OFF of light status. I add feedback auto by driver Myhome in iridium software
SCript garbage memory collected
I got a messages in my log file of Iridium, "[18-02-2016 15:45:34.429] DEBUG Script garbage memory collected".
Is it possible to remove this Debug messages. Or how can i fix the problem so it does not show anymore?
Steaming from Windows media player
Can you tell me how that is done?
Thanks in advance,
Jos van Stiphout
New Hit Type 'CatchAndPass'
Currently there are 3 types of hit:
Can we please get a new hit type that is both:
1. Active touch - catches the touch and does what is programmed
2. AND Pass Through - passes through the touch to the items underneath to do whatever they are programmed to do
ie Catch and Pass
eg We might want all items on a popup to do the same thing, eg a script call, before doing their own programming.
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