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Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.
i2conrtol iOs crash
iPad mini 2th gen. iOs 8.3.
Constantly crashing after long period of work (24/7) - about 2 days.
After it crashed - sound engine doesn't work.
Carash logs attached.
iPad 1 i2 control 2.0
Unfortunatelly I just found out, that when I try to update GUI on my iPad1, it is not possible - I receive "You use old version i2 control, please update your application to the version 2.2 or late" message.
But, on iPad1 I'm not able to download i2 control 2.2, due to old version of iOS (and this iOS I'm not able to update due to Apple restriction - iPad 1 is not supported for newer iOS).
So, it means, that only way how to use my old iPad 1 (and many of my customers too), is to keep installed also iRidium transfer and GUI Editor also in old - 2.0 - version?
And if yes - will it work on the same PC with iRidium 2.2.3 - I have a bad experiences with this, because both versions of Transfer save its data to the same location? Is there any way, how to change this working directory for each (2.0 and 2.2) Transfer version?
set up position local bus and INT when I control automation system
I use to driver MyHome
USB interface of Mobile Phone with i2Control
I will use for a mobil phone app a i2Control KNX driver and the serial port RS232.
It would be for application to a wheelchair for a person with disabilities.
Is it posible to install on a mobile phone androïd Galaxy S4 (for example), a virtual serial port to the USB port using a port emulation driver RS232 (as is done a PC) ?
And use it with i2control ?
Best regards,
How to open a specific on IOs?
I found this on the wiki:
IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_START, 0, function(){ // OS Windows
IR.Execute("http://iridiummobile.net"); // Example of the link
IR.Execute("mailto:contact@iridiummobile.ru"); // Write an e-mail through the mail agent
IR.Execute("cmd"); // Activate the command string
IR.Execute("calc"); // Activate the calculator
IR.Execute("c:\\Program Files\\iRidium\\iRidium.exe"); // Start the app
// iOS - iPhone
IR.Execute("http://iridiummobile.net"); // Example of the link
IR.Execute("mailto:contact@iridiummobile.ru"); // Write an e-mail through the mail agent
IR.Execute("tel:+1234567890"); // Call on the phone
IR.Execute("sms:+1234567890"); // Send an SMS
IR.Execute("music:"); // Open the app for listening to music
IR.Execute("videos:"); // Open the app for watching videos
IR.Execute("ibooks://"); // Open the app for reading e-books
IR.Execute("fb://feed"); // Open the Facebook app
IR.Execute("twitter://"); // Open the Twitter app
// iOS - iPad
IR.Execute("http://iridiummobile.net"); // Example of the link
IR.Execute("mailto:contact@iridiummobile.ru"); // Write an e-mail through the mail agent
IR.Execute("music:"); // Open the app for listening to music
IR.Execute("videos:"); // Open the app for watching videos
IR.Execute("ibooks://"); // Open the app for reading e-books
IR.Execute("fb://feed"); // Open the Facebook app
IR.Execute("twitter://"); // Open the Twitter app
// OS Android
IR.Execute("http://iridiummobile.net"); // Example of the link
IR.Execute("mailto:contact@iridiummobile.ru"); // Write an e-mail through the mail agent
IR.Execute("tel:+1234567890"); // Call on the phone
IR.Execute("sms:+1234567890"); // Send an SMS
IR.Execute("file:///tmp/android.txt"); // Open the file
1) How do I open a specific app (Tata sky mobile : https://itunes.apple.com/in/app/tata-sky-mobile/id385090000?mt=8) in IOs)
2) How do I open the same app on android, or any app on android? as in the example above there is no example to open an app in android.
Any help would be appreciated,
1) You need to find the special URL scheme for this application if there is such. We do not look for it. It is made by the developer. We recommend searching the Internet or contacting the developer.
2) It is done the same way as on iOS. But the set of URL schemes can be different. If the developer didn't anticipate the possibility to open the application via URL, then we cannot do anything.
Sincerely yours,
Olga Ermakova
iRidium mobile Team
Issues with graphics in iRidium when using Intel WDDM drivers in Windows 8
When first trying to make a full screen iRidium project, I ran into issues that my background picture was missing (white colored background instead).
After lots and lots of trying, with different picture names (assuming the name was too long), different resolutions, different picture formats, OpenGL vs DirectX, etc etc, I contacted the iRidium Support, and we started chasing the ghost together.
Eventually we found that the project was displaying fine with an older Intel driver. After a while, the project was failing again, as it turned out Windows 8's automatic driver update feature had again reverted to the newest driver (with WDDM support for Windows 8) . Hence, the WDDM-driver (in this case from Intel) proved to be causing the issues.
So just to save you lots of time when experiencing the issue, here's what to do: replace the latest Windows 8-prepared Intel WDDM driver for the previous Intel non-WDDM release.
Compatibility with Windows CE 6.0
Iridium I2control 2.2 is compatible with Window Windows CE 6.0 operating system ?
Best regards
sip dialing a key combination to open gate
I have a sip door entry system with video working with iridium. I can pick up the call, however i need to dial a key combination to open door. This is not recognising within iridium. Any help would be greatly appreciated
switch between Wifi and 3G for Myhome System
function Internal_TCP()
i2control android portrait mode
If portrait project (irpz) uploaded into i2control on android, than android system itself running in landspace mode.
One can find it out by system notification pull-down bar (and system volume level popup).
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