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Мы перевели нашу службу поддержки на новую систему технической поддержки. С 17.01.2022 мы отключили возможность создавать обращения через личный кабинет userecho. Теперь все запросы обрабатываются по почте на support@iridi.com .
Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.
House of Rock, Los Angeles USA.
As you know from my previous post we have just recently completed an installation of iRidium 2.0. This showcase installation is for the House of Rock in LA. Every year Rolling Stone Magazine either builds or renovates a house at different locations in the US. These houses are called the House of Rock. The interior design is always done by one of the top interior designers from the US. Promotional events occur throughout the year at the house and famous music artists will live there.
The grand opening event for the House of Rock happen about just over a week ago. There were between 500-600 people who attended. Outside at the back of the house, a temporary stage was built for musicians to perform. In the Recording Studio at the top of the house, musicians were performing. It was a successful event. A lot of people saw and gave compliments to the installation completed by domVision Inc.
Attached are the photos from the house and a few photos of the opening.
If you have any questions, please ask…
[size=1em]Kind Regards,
Roger & the team @
rocFusion bvba & domVision Inc.
PS: You can also follow up whats happening at the house by going to www.facebook.com\2012houseofrock
In the Press:
Domintell DOUT10v02
The Domintell module DOUT10V02 is still not working.
Is there anybody that has working this module?
Static List Release Activating on swipe
From what I understand items on a static list, eg buttons, should have their programming on release, so that when a swipe is done to scroll the list, the button does not activate.
I have two question:
1. This Button is programmed to send token on release
However this activating when swiping to scroll the list - I thought it should not activate? See this video shown on my PC but same happens on the iPad.
What should happen and any suggestions please?
2. We have sliders with buttons to press and hold on the static list item, and normally we send a press and hold and release for these. But if at the start of the swipe left or right gesture the finger starts on one of these buttons, commands are sent. What do you suggest?
I have tried to solve by capturing the gesture, but it looks like the moving of a static list is not registered as a gesture, as the following does not trigger when the static list is moved by a swipe gesture.
IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_START,0,function() { IR.AddRecognizer(IR.GESTURE_SWIPE_LEFT); IR.AddRecognizer(IR.GESTURE_SWIPE_RIGHT); }); IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_GESTURE_BEGIN, IR.CurrentPage, function(gesture, x, y){ switch(gesture) { case IR.GESTURE_SWIPE_LEFT: IR.Log("--------Swipe Left") break; case IR.GESTURE_SWIPE_RIGHT: IR.Log("----------Swipe Right") break; } });
This is a huge project with 200+ of these sliders and on/off buttons on 20 static lists.
A simple solution would be very nice :)
So do you have any suggestions?
Javascript Methods
For example text.subscript and text.replace fail, but text.slice appears to work.
Where can i find the list of methods and functions which are supported in the Iridium implementation; as i am currently suck; or can i import/reference outside modules to add functions, and reuse work done?
Windows surface pro 2.
story so far I am using Ipad and everything is running so far and no problems.
A couple of weeks ago I bought myself Windows surface pro 2.
Free trial version
itach ip2ir.
Windows surface pro 2 operating system Windows8.1 and xbmc commander app installed.
Desktop PC operating system Windows 7 and xbmc installed.
This is what I'm trying to do.
On my desktop PC where I have xbmc installed I would like the surface 2 to open up desktop xbmc and then on surface 2 open up xbmc commander app. on the app I can control everything else I need to do Ie .volume. play. stop. and so on from there.
Problem is I can't get nothing to open from desktop no matter what application it is.
From desktop PC.
1.Execute."C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\XBMC.exe".
2.Execute.."C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC"
3.Execute. "C:\Program Files (x86)\SUPERMICRO\IPMIView\IPMIView20.exe".
4.Execute. "C:\Program Files (x86)\iRidium mobile2\iRidium\iRidium.exe".
5.Execute. %windir%\system32\notepad.exe.
Am I missing something ?.
On Surface pro 2 I can get xbmc commander app to open.
Thanks Paul.
We replied to you already.
Please tell us if you have some other questions.
Sincerely yours,
Olga Ermakova
iRidium mobile Team
HDL iRidium Sctipt SPI (DDK) control
Same HDL bus and devices.
One of devices is 'DMX'.
In first try, i gave name 'Channel 1' and executed:
"HDL-BUS Pro Network (UDP)"
"DMX:Channel 1"
, 1);
It doesn't work.
Then: renamed command to 'Chanel_1' and it works!
"HDL-BUS Pro Network (UDP)"
, 1);
May be one cannot control command (and feedback appropriately) with speces in name?
But here, in the official wiki info (http://wiki2.iridiummobile.ru/Drivers_API#Set) one can find:
"HDL-BUS Pro Network (UDP)"
"Relay_1:Channel 3"
Исключения при работе клиента
Доброе утро!
Необходим механизм обработки исключений в работающем клиенте. Например, при невозможности выполнения команды:
var JSONObject = JSON.Parse(text);
эмулятор выдает сообщение:
WARNING Script exception: SyntaxError: C:\Users\evgeniy\Documents\iRidium mobile 2\Settings\iRidium\Main\script.js:331: <string>:1: expected ')' but got a string
текст получается от оборудования и разрезается на части, чтобы получить текст пригодный для конвертации в JSON. Но бывает всякое - и текст не всегда удается правильно обрезать единым алгоритмом.
Хочется иметь возможность:
1. сначала проверить текст на возможность конвертации, и только потом выполнить конвертацию. При невозможности, либо повторить запрос, либо ничего не делать
2. в непредвиденной ситуации, при получении сообщения "WARNING..." не останавливать выполнение общего кода
Может уже есть такие механизмы?
http level button
I want to create a new driver for a zwave box called jeedom.
The driver is http type and the commands are like :
When creating a new script, I can connect to http device and send the url wich send the value 4 in to equipment.
Unfortunately, this value is a level (4 to 28)
So I want to create a level button to increase or decrease the value. But I can't send a different value automatically from the script.
Do you have any idea?
The feedback is like that :
and send me the actual value on a web page but I can't reeive data in Iridium :-(
Thanks in advance for your precious help
Best regards
make the wake-up alarm
how to make the alarm on a mobile iridium?
BAOS internet connection
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