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XML based project

stagiaire2 | Duotecno 11 лет назад в GUI Editor обновлен Эмиль Боев 9 лет назад 5

Is it possible to create a project bases on a XML file.
The XML can contain the number of rooms and controls

When I generate popups and pages in Javascript, the popups and pages aren't available in the GUI editor's Projects Overview. Is there a way that to create an interface based on a XML file and still is editable through the GUI editor?


Page Event

Mike Slattery 9 лет назад в iRidium Script обновлен Dmitry - support (expert) 9 лет назад 1

Is there a method to know when a page changes?

Once I get an event, I can use var currnetPage = IR.CurrentPage.Name to get the name.

I guess I could just put this into a timer.

Seems that a PAGE_EVENT and POPUP_EVENT is needed.


Iridium application with parameters - Windows OS

Рустем Зиятдинов 10 лет назад в i2 Control V2.2 обновлен Ekaterina (head of support) 10 лет назад 1
Can I invoke the Iridium application with parameters from a third-party application in Windows OS?
To use these parameters inside Iridium application.
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in the iRidium script editor panel widths are not saved.

rocfusion 10 лет назад в GUI Editor обновлен Oksana (expert) 10 лет назад 2

To maximize the screen space for writing scripts I tend to reduce the width of the panel that displays the names of the scripts in the project.  Also there is a panel at the bottom of the screen which contains the search, I reduce the height of this panel.  These panels have to changed every time the GUI editor is opened.  Can you modify the gui editor to record the panels width\height for the script editor?


GUI Editor/Script Editor & Helper

emulator error

Sasan Safari 10 лет назад в GUI Editor обновлен Ekaterina (head of support) 10 лет назад 2
I have the trial version for one month.
Once the emulator has started when i want to perform it again it gives an error: Attention! emulator can not be closed due to the lack of access rights, close it manually. How can we close it manually? when i push F buttons F4 F8 nothing happens!

Many thanks

Custom TCP Driver - Timeout

Nikolay Arbuzov 9 лет назад в iRidium Script / AV and Driver scripts обновлен Johan Vinke 9 лет назад 3
Is there way to reduce timeout value for the Custom TCP driver ?

In case equipement is off it takes too long for the connection to timeout.

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SIP and Asterisk

Damian Hartin 9 лет назад в General обновлен Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 9 лет назад 5

Has anyone setup Asterisk for SIP Video comms in iRidium?

I am using the SIP_Video_Source.irpz project and can get voice to work but not video. Have downloaded some generic sip clients for two iPads and video does work on those using the Asterisk server, so I'm not sure why the iRidium project will not.

Have only got H.263 and u-law enabled in the Asterisk server


how can I deactivate?

Yiu Yun Wa 9 лет назад в Продукты / HDL-BUS Pro обновлен Dmitry - support (expert) 9 лет назад 5
Image 9826

How can I deactivate the licence of HDL demo kit?

Text or Json file

Ismail Alizadeh 9 лет назад в Готовые скриптовые модули обновлен Ekaterina (head of support) 9 лет назад 2
Can i get some information from text or json file in js?
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Philips Hue

Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 9 лет назад в i2 Control V2.2 обновлен Oksana (expert) 9 лет назад 3


We discovered a big problem in the Philips Hue driver.

When starting with the Philips Heu lights + bridge, the bridge gives the connected lights a number, starting with 1 for the first light, 2 for the second light, etc.

The problem now is: when the lights have a number starting with 4, the script is not working and gives errors.

please fix this, this was a problem we searched hours and hours for...



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