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Мы перевели нашу службу поддержки на новую систему технической поддержки. С 17.01.2022 мы отключили возможность создавать обращения через личный кабинет userecho. Теперь все запросы обрабатываются по почте на support@iridi.com .
Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.
Request: Image property on Macro
I request to insert "Image" property of an object on Macro.
So if We have an variable with an URL then We can link it on property.
The variable value can change on time.
For example:
I write an script on iridium server that load an weather information and store a icon URL on a variable.
Next,in a panel, I use this variable for change the image loaded on a object.
Actualy I can use one script
IR.GetPage("Page").GetItem("Item").GetState(0).Image = IR.GetVariable("Driver.iRidium_Server.IconURL");
But is more easy use drag&drop.
Multistate level
Now it is inly integer.
PJLink protocol
A code to control and have feedback to any video projector with ethernet port and compatible with PJLink protocol.
I have tested with several models of Sanyo, Mitsubishi, Dell, Sony, NEC, and other, and all of them works fine with this code.
Vera 3 Control Driver
some help please...!! 😉😉
Windows 8 - Transfer - Networkshares not visible
In Windows 8:
When we want to add a license or project in the Transfer manually (because Drag & Drop don't work), it's not possible to select the networkshares on our server. We have to manually select the server, and point to the right folders…
Please fix
Data base
Is there a way to create a database with i2control (with javascript or other means) ?
Or is it possible to create tokens by program (but a large amount several thousand) ?
The goals is to save data related to the measurement of energy. Backup hourly measurements every day and years !
iRidium GUI Editor is not dockable
But not for the GUI Editor: the screen can not be 'docked' to the left or to the right side of the screen.
Why not?
Please correct.
Stretch and Filtration options are still not opened by default
In the past, several installers asked to open the panel "Stretch and Filtration" by default when an item is selected.
We noticed, this is still not implemented.
Please fix this, so it's more comfortable for our installers.
Bachelor thesis - Smart home. Rights and privileges for seperate users.
We are a group of students studying computer engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Gjøvik, Norway. We are working on our bachelor thesis where we are working on projecting and implementing a control system in a Smart home currently in construction.
We are trying to make a collaborative system consisting of multiple system. Systems from Lunos (ventilation), VELUX INTEGRA ("smart" roof windows), Altech (water counters), Vaillant (heating system, heat pump), and integrating it all into HDL's smart home control system, and then monitor and change setting with your iRidium mobile application.
The smart home is seperated into 3 appartments. All of these appartments are communicating with the same HDL IntelliCenter server.
What we are wondering is how we should do this with each users rights and privileges. Each user should only be able to change settings in his/hers appartment. Except for the house owner, who should be able to monitor and change settings of each appartment. How could we do this (if possible) with your mobile application and licensing? What kind of license is relevant?
Any information around this woulod be helpful.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Multiple feedbacks for one object
Rather often it is needed to display multiple feedback for one object to make GUI simplier in development.
For example for room air: 18*C/50% - <temp>/<humidity>
It would be great to use something like this in code $V*C<someSeparator>/$V%
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