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new XML possible bug
I am trying to fetch RSS weather data from BBC Weather - https://weather-broker-cdn.api.bbci.co.uk/en/observation/rss/2643743
I have written a code based on other topic on the forum: https://support.iridiummobile.net/communities/18/topics/13554-create-a-tv-guide-xmltv and I came across the same problem with new XML returning null.
This is my code:
IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_START,0,function() { BBCWRSS.request(); }); var BBCWRSS = {}; BBCWRSS.dev = IR.CreateDevice(IR.DEVICE_CUSTOM_HTTP_TCP, 'BBCWRSS_dev', {Host: "weather-broker-cdn.api.bbci.co.uk", Port: 80, SSL: false, ScriptMode: IR.DIRECT_AND_SCRIPT, SendCommandAttempts: 0, ConnectWaitTimeMax: 3000, ReceiveWaitTimeMax: 5000 }); BBCWRSS.request = function (in_callback){ BBCWRSS.dev.Connect(); BBCWRSS.dev.SendEx({ Type: "GET", Url: "/en/observation/rss/2643743", cbReceiveText: function (text, code, headers) { if (code != 200) return; var resp = new XML(text); IR.Log("RESPONSE TEXT:" +text); IR.Log("RESPONSE CODE:" +code); IR.Log("RESPONSE HEADERS:" +JSON.Stringify(headers)); IR.Log("RESPONSE RESP XML:" +resp); //BUG: new XML returns null BBCWRSS.dev.Disconnect(); //in_callback(resp); }, }); }
Can anyone advise on this?
how to setup a failover server for raspberry pi iridium server
I'd like to setup a spare or failover server on a raspberry pi. The presentation https://www.slideshare.net/iRidiumMobile365/how-to-set-iridium-server states that it should be possible.
Can you give me any directions?
Feedback On Server is set to False but Read On Start can set to True?
I just found that I can set Feedback "On server" to "False"
while "Read On Start" set to "True"
So when server restart this Feedback will send READ request to KNX
but IR will not use it at all
it this expect behavior or it is a bug?
Modbus TCP IP Slave
Hello, i need help to setup the iridium UMC server as Modbus TCP SLAVE device. I'm not able to find any documentation on this.
How I can setup the parameters in the driver configuration ?
How I have to create the feedback and command channels ?
Do you have documentationa or example on this ?
Change in project by user
All projects I manage by my admin account, and on every installation make only "end user" accounts for users. But in one installation user want to make change in project by another integrator. How can I share it with them without entering my admin panel password?
8x JS scripts crashing iRidium Server on Raspberry Pi
I have an iRidium Server project which connects to 4x Global Cache IP2SL connected to Extron SMP111 video recording devices. I have two scripts - one to query the recording timecode every second and the other to query the recording state (initialising, recording, pause, stopping). In total there are 8x scripts querying every 1000ms. This works well but after a few minutes the server locks up and restarts. I am guessing it's due to 8 simultaneously commands happening, or perhaps because i'm getting two feedbacks from one driver simultaneously.
One thought to solve this is to stagger the reqesust i.e. have one requesting every 500ms, the other at 501ms so that the there is only one response coming in at a time from one driver (or potentially staggering all so that there is only one feedback at any one time).
Is there more a clever way of doing this?
My terrible attempt at JavaScript > here
Solved - how to stop killing MicroSD cards in Rasoberry Pi
I have multiple iRidium Server projects, with some quering devices through JavaScript every 200ms. These are all being written to variables which after 7 - 10 days, kills the MicroSD card in a Raspberry Pi. Since switching to SSD (using MicroSD as a bootloader and SSD to run OS/iRIdium) I have had stabilty for over 2 months now. In addition, the responses to these variables is much faster and more reliable too. So, if you are having poor performance with triggers or dying Pi's, try running from a USB3 SSD instead.
Plex or Kodi
There is an old script for Kodi (xbmc) and Plex. Are there any plans or an updated versions of those plugins to control plex or kodi?
IR.Getdevice server
Is it possible to send a value from js to a tag on the server?
I have a UMC with a mqtt driver on it.
I would like to send a value from JS but cannot get it done with IR.GetDevice ("iRidium Server"). Set ("MQTT.Address", 1);
What am I doing wrong?
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