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Мы перевели нашу службу поддержки на новую систему технической поддержки. С 17.01.2022 мы отключили возможность создавать обращения через личный кабинет userecho. Теперь все запросы обрабатываются по почте на support@iridi.com .
Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.
Old color in i3 Pro
The new i3 Pro clients in iOs and Android are blue.
But not the Windows-App; this is still red.
Please change the color of the i3 Pro for Windows too, so they are the same for the complete platform.
No lowercase descriptions of objects
Please look to these screenshots:
in "My Account" the name of objects are lowercase.
But in "i3 Pro" the name of objects are UPPERcase.
We don't prefer this, please make names of objects equal: use the given name in My Account also in i3 Pro.
Immedialty opening the project after download in i3 Pro
After do a 'Cloud Sync' in i3 Pro, you can download the projects (here the project "Project Kantoor..":
But after clicking the button Download, the project is immediately openend in the i3 Pro App. And that's not what we want (and not expected): after downloading a project, we expect a button "Open" to open the project (if the user want).
Please make it in this way: after clicking on the button Download, the project is downloaded, and after that a button "Open" is displayed to give the possibility to open a desired project.
Свойство layer для попапов
Предлагаю сделать свойство layer для попапов, т.е. с каким приоритетом будут находится попапы относительно друг друга, например иногда нужно, чтобы один попап открывшийся позже находился за другим попапом, который уже был открыт
Журнал сообщений
Предлагаю реализовать виджет выполняющий функции Архивного/Активного журнала сообщений, будет очень полезным для людей, которые занимаются автоматизацией промышленных объектов
Перемещение графических элементов в редакторе увеличить до 20-30 px
Очень удобно, когда в графическом редакторе элементы можно перемещать сразу на 20-30 px, нажав ctrl + стрелка.
Хотелось бы это видеть и в вашей студии
Icons for sync
The icons for syncing with the server and scanning a bus, are the same:
Please change the icon for syncing with the server; this is the last-added icon, and not comfortable for the users.
Stretch and Filtration options not visible by default
When creating beautiful buttons, the options in "Stretch and Filtration" are used many times.
But, when clicking on a button, the options in "Stretch and Filtration" are closed Always.
Please open these options by default.
It will save much time for installers, to prevent every time to open these options...
When this option is used one time, Studio will keep this option open; but when Studio is closed, and restarted, the option is closed...
Control of Timers in native drivers
Add ability to set up Timer in Channel properties (that supports "request by Timer").
For example HDL reads the Sensor status by Timer:
// Timer: 0 - works once, when the app Starts. // If the Timer has been turned on, it stops IR.GetDevice("HDL-BUS Pro Network").SetTimer("Lux Air:Read", 0) // Timer: 1 or more - works in interval (sec), all the time IR.GetDevice("HDL-BUS Pro Network").SetTimer("Lux Air:Read", 5) // If you want to turn timer off at all, there is 2 variants: // 1. send -1 in .SetTimer() method // 2. add the method .StopTimer() // but with "-1" you can read it as .Timer property, so v1 is preferred
Drivers in Project Device panel not opened when opening project
When opening an existing project, the drivers in the Project device panel are not displayed by default.
You Always have to double-click on the Drivers to see the used Drivers.
Please, make it in this way: When opening a project, display the used drivers. See the attachment.
I think this is more comfortable for all programmers.
Thanks drivers.png
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