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iRidium consist of 2 main components - i3 pro app and iRidium Server. Please post here your questions, ideas or errors you find.
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We have moved our support service to a new technical support system. Since 17.01.2022, we have disabled the ability to create appeals through the userecho personal account. Now all requests are processed via mail to support@iridi.com .
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Android app prevent device to sleep
Android app 1.1.7/Beta
On Android
When user press power button while still in i3pro app
Android Device will go to sleep state then wake up immediately(screen still off)
and when user press power button again it will skip all lock screen and show i3pro app
this will drain Android Device battery eventif screen is off
because of i3pro continue to work in background
it there anyway to disable i3pro app running in background on some panel project?
License for MQTT Driver
Which Driver license I need for using MQTT Driver?
waiting state?
I'm want to change my GUI to some state that let user know
that connection to IRServer is lost
for example:
when IRServer is ok
Text may show on/off as it report from server
but when connection is lost
Text will be show as "Error"
I found "Waiting" in state, but I'm not sure if this is what I looking for?
but however I don't know how to enable it.
iPad vs iPad Mini
Is there a way to know if the client is running on an iPad or an iPad Mini?
The resolution of an iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini 4 are the same (2048x1536) so I don't have to scale my app, I only want to increase the button sizes if running on an iPad Mini.
Event when statusses are requested in Duotecno system
When the i3 pro app is starting, all Duotecno statuses are requested from the Duotecno system. This can be a time-consuming process, specially with big Duotecno installations.
Is there an event, to 'monitor' when this process is 'ready/finalized'?
If not, can this event build-in in i3 pro?
This is also very usefull for other protocols...
Scene Control feedback from DLP
Greetings all,
I have programmed a DLP panel with HDL buspro app for activating some Scene.
when i am running the scene (lets say morning ) from the DLP i can not see any feedback on the App. however, if i control each channel individually or broadcast them i can see the changes and feedback in the App.
any suggestion how to fix it?
Can I AddListener on System or Project Tokens change or update?
Can I AddListener on System or Project Tokens change or update?
I try to do something like this
if(IR.GetVariable("System.Battery.Level") < 25)
IR.GetPage("pg_main").GetItem("label_battery").GetState(0).FillColor = 0xFF0000FF
Scheme (логические таблицы) в iRidium Pro
Добрый день, работая с новым инструментов iRidium Pro - Scheme, появились как вопросы так и предложения. Я считаю что это отличный инструмент для тех, кто не умеет программировать. Перейду к сути. При работе с таблицами первое чего не хватает катастрофически, так это:
- невозможность копирования/клонирование блоков, либо самих таблиц,
- переименование блоков, либо дополнительных названий для них
- если блок Value, то было бы не плохо отображать введенное значение и в самом блоке.
- еще хотелось бы чтобы данные из Tag можно было получать без прибегания к скриптам.
Хотелось бы напрямую общаться со специалистом, который сделал этот супер инструмент, да бы вместе его усовершенствовать.
Run external command on client
Is there any way I can run executables on the local client (Windows/Linux)? Either triggered from the server or the client?
There are several things I would like to do:
- open a browser from the panelsoftware (open WebTV for example)
- change window focus (bring certain application windows to front)
- wake/sleep the screen based on actions (movement or alarm status)
- halt/reboot the machine
- change the volume/mute
Reload button value/status when drive cameback online
I have Button that have relations with Device Tag(IR Server)
Its show correct status when device is online
but when device is offline and came back online
i3 pro will not reload latest status from Device and update GUI automatically?
How I can force re-read all tag that have relations with GUI object when IR.EVENT_ONLINE is called?
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