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Мы перевели нашу службу поддержки на новую систему технической поддержки. С 17.01.2022 мы отключили возможность создавать обращения через личный кабинет userecho. Теперь все запросы обрабатываются по почте на support@iridi.com .

Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.


Open ports for project download

Mike Slattery 7 лет назад в Приложения / i3 Pro обновлен Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 7 лет назад 2

What ports are needed to be open to download a project? What URL is needed. Customer will not be able to give full web access. 


System Password has to set on each panel individually?

Tanapol E. 7 лет назад в Приложения / i3 Pro обновлен Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 7 лет назад 5


Is there any way to set System Password to project file or project in cloud?

so when user update this project in cloud new System Password will be set automatically


I saw this document but I can't find "project settings" button

Image 20071


Android app prevent device to sleep

Tanapol E. 7 лет назад в Приложения / i3 Pro обновлен Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 7 лет назад 6

Android app 1.1.7/Beta


On Android

When user press power button while still in i3pro app

Android Device will go to sleep state then wake up immediately(screen still off)

and when user press  power button again it will skip all lock screen and show i3pro app


this will drain Android Device battery eventif screen is off 

because of i3pro continue to work in background

it there anyway to disable  i3pro app running in background on some panel project?


License for MQTT Driver

Tanapol E. 7 лет назад в Приложения / i3 Pro обновлен Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 6 лет назад 5


Which Driver license I need for using MQTT Driver?

Ожидает ответа пользователя

waiting state?

Tanapol E. 7 лет назад в Приложения / i3 Pro обновлен ai-systems@bk ru 7 лет назад 4


I'm want to change my GUI to some state that let user know

that connection to IRServer is lost

for example:

when IRServer is ok

Text may show on/off as it report from server

but when connection is lost 

Text will be show as "Error"

I found "Waiting" in state, but I'm not sure if this is what I looking for?

but however I don't know how to enable it.

Image 19970


iPad vs iPad Mini

Wouter van der Post 7 лет назад в Приложения / i3 Pro обновлен Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 7 лет назад 4


Is there a way to know if the client is running on an iPad or an iPad Mini?

The resolution of an iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini 4 are the same (2048x1536) so I don't have to scale my app, I only want to increase the button sizes if running on an iPad Mini.



Event when statusses are requested in Duotecno system


When the i3 pro app is starting, all Duotecno statuses are requested from the Duotecno system. This can be a time-consuming process, specially with big Duotecno installations.

Is there an event, to 'monitor' when this process is 'ready/finalized'? 

If not, can this event build-in in i3 pro?

This is also very usefull for other protocols...



Scene Control feedback from DLP

Ash 7 лет назад в Приложения / i3 Pro обновлен Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 7 лет назад 2

Greetings all, 

I have programmed a DLP panel with HDL buspro app for activating some Scene. 

when i am running the scene (lets say morning ) from the DLP i can not see any feedback on the App. however, if i control each channel individually or broadcast them i can see the changes and feedback in the App. 

any suggestion how to fix it?




Can I AddListener on System or Project Tokens change or update?

Tanapol E. 7 лет назад в Приложения / i3 Pro обновлен Dmitry - support (expert) 7 лет назад 2

Can I AddListener on System or Project Tokens change or update?

I try to do something like this

if(IR.GetVariable("System.Battery.Level") < 25)


IR.GetPage("pg_main").GetItem("label_battery").GetState(0).FillColor = 0xFF0000FF



Run external command on client

Post 7 лет назад в Приложения / i3 Pro обновлен 7 лет назад 3

Is there any way I can run executables on the local client (Windows/Linux)? Either triggered from the server or the client? 

There are several things I would like to do:

- open a browser from the panelsoftware (open WebTV for example)

- change window focus (bring certain application windows to front)

- wake/sleep the screen based on actions (movement or alarm status)

- halt/reboot the machine

- change the volume/mute


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