On this forum you can discuss iRidium with other users.
iRidium consist of 2 main components - i3 pro app and iRidium Server. Please post here your questions, ideas or errors you find.
Please send your questions to support team as a private messages.
Please subscribe to the Change Log to know our news
We have moved our support service to a new technical support system. Since 17.01.2022, we have disabled the ability to create appeals through the userecho personal account. Now all requests are processed via mail to support@iridi.com .
Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.
Open ports for project download
What ports are needed to be open to download a project? What URL is needed. Customer will not be able to give full web access.
Обновление серверного проекта и архив данных?
Добрый день!
подскажите пожалуйста, такая проблема
- обновили версию Иридиума на севере UMC
- за одним обновили сам проект
данные архива получается пропал?
на будущее, как сделать так что бы этого избежать? или это не возможно? новый проект? по новому пишется БД?
Changing project in I3pro
Is there a way of changing project in I3pro with a script call the same way we did it in iRidium 2 with the multi design feature
I want to use a button on the screen as I am upgrading a site from iRidium 2 to i3pro and want the operation to be the same rather than have to bring up the menu to change projects.
Remote update
is it possible to make a panel update from cloud remotly? In V2.2 it was possible throu Iridium transfer
The customer is not willing to perform a manual update after each change
System Password has to set on each panel individually?
Is there any way to set System Password to project file or project in cloud?
so when user update this project in cloud new System Password will be set automatically
I saw this document but I can't find "project settings" button
IRStudio:Script Helper
When double click
Helper will paste
instead of
V 1.1.7 Beta
JS script: change the Programing on a item
Can i add or change the programing on a item via a JS script?
Server REST API Not Working
I have followed the rough guide posted on https://support.iridiummobile.net/topics/283-server-rest-api/ and have failed to get any feedback from the server on the port 8443. When I switch to port 8888 on HTTP I make some progress, but most payloads are always returned blank.
For example the following request and response are typical.
"type": "",
"script_mode": "",
"qr_mode": "",
"server_max_clients": "",
"datapoints": "",
"serial": "",
"expired": "",
"products": []
My requirement is to change a driver value via the API; but so far I feel like I am missing an authentication step. Any guidance please?
BTW - returns a 404
[Server][KNX] How to set server physical address with KNX IP Router/Interface?
If I have a project with KNX IP Interface or KNX IP Router, iRidium send command on KNX with address 15.15.250.
This is not correct if the interface/router stay on other line (for example 1.1.xxx).
How can I change the physical address used from iRidium?
Android app prevent device to sleep
Android app 1.1.7/Beta
On Android
When user press power button while still in i3pro app
Android Device will go to sleep state then wake up immediately(screen still off)
and when user press power button again it will skip all lock screen and show i3pro app
this will drain Android Device battery eventif screen is off
because of i3pro continue to work in background
it there anyway to disable i3pro app running in background on some panel project?
Customer support service by UserEcho