On this forum you can discuss iRidium with other users.
iRidium consist of 2 main components - i3 pro app and iRidium Server. Please post here your questions, ideas or errors you find.
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We have moved our support service to a new technical support system. Since 17.01.2022, we have disabled the ability to create appeals through the userecho personal account. Now all requests are processed via mail to support@iridi.com .
Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.
Hide Group in JavaScript
In the GUI Editor Macro Editor there is a Hide Group
Is there a hide group in JavaScript? If not can it please be added
Calculation of the completion list height
It could look better if the height of fast hint was calculated before the showing, not like now: the list with the full screen height for one record.
Как настроить дату и время на UMC сервере?
Как настроить дату и время на UMC сервере?
E меня сейчас 1970й год
Добавим в вэб панель, этот функционал.
Выбор часового пояса и установка даты и времени.
Delete Unused Objects - Channels not deleting unused Feedback
Just wondering why the Delete of Unused Objects does not delete unused feedback, only commands?
This is necessary in KNX to stop the querying on startup of unused feedback channels.
Group of Iridium server devices list
Suggestion: on the panel side of the iridium studio, when you import a server project you obtain the complete list of the Commands and Feedback. It would be better if this list will be grouped into the original driver. For example, if you have 5 or 6 driver it is much better to have 5 or 6 group subdivided by driver type (all KNX commads will be under KNX group, all modbus will be under modbus groups, and so on ...). Imangin 1000 commands, from 10 drivers/devices, and you need to find all the KNX commands ...
The big request to add support for iBeacon. Since through this functionality (IR.EVENT_DEVICE_BLE_FOUND) in i3 pro for BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) is impossible to get a true UUID, it is replaced. Which leads to difficulties in the identification iBeacon.
Option "Show System Menu" in Macro Editor
It would be great if we have an option in the Macro Editor:
Show System Menu
Now, every installer have to create a Javascript function like this:
function ShowSystemMenu()
For every project again. Because every installer need this option in a project to quickly change settings in the client, and to prevent end-users to click in the project for 8 seconds (what is a problem for many end-users) to open the system-menu.
So, in the menu below we want an extra option: ShowSystemMenu, that we can drag & drop to the list with Macros in the Macro editor.
It has been implemented from iRidium Studio (beta)
Modbus protocol
For the modbus protocol we must use an On-Press command, sending a '1' to the Modbus register, always followed by an 'On-Release-command', sending a '0'.
The questions: can you improve the Modbus protocol, so this will be done in the default On-Press command? So the On-Press command is sending the 1, followed by the 0? Or make a special command (only if the installer is using a Modbus protocol), with this function build-in? Because now, for every button that will be used in a project, the installer has to made 2 commands, and that's not logical, so it's better to build-in this in the protocol for Modbus.
This should be a great improvement for all Modbus users!
Script Editor Helper
It would be nice if the script editor underlined errors (syntax and logic) in script which I'm writing in the Studio.
Thank you.
Displaying page or popup-page where Dynamic Image (IP-camera) is used
In the project device tree, when hovering the mouse over a command or feedback, we can see in which page and item a specific command or feedback is used. This is great, because it's a usefull tool for debugging.
We want this option also for dynamic images: if we move (hoover) the mouse over an dynamic image in the Project Gallery, a little 'tooltip' showes the page or pages where this dynamic image is used. Including a parameter (number) how many times the dynamic image is used.
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