On this forum you can discuss iRidium with other users.
iRidium consist of 2 main components - i3 pro app and iRidium Server. Please post here your questions, ideas or errors you find.
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We have moved our support service to a new technical support system. Since 17.01.2022, we have disabled the ability to create appeals through the userecho personal account. Now all requests are processed via mail to support@iridi.com .
Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.
Ensure execution for macros (idea for reliable tasks)
If we want to use iRidium (pro and lite) for important tasks we need to be sure that proper feedback is received every time we run macros. We need a mode when command execution is checked.
Current macros:
Run command 1
Run command 2
Run command 3
No one cares if anything really happened. It's fast, yes, but need more reliable option.
Macros we need
Run command 1 | Check feedback 1
If no feedback 1 Run command 1 x3 times more
If no feedback 1 Send push
Run command 2 | Check feedback 2
If no feedback 2 Run command 1 x3 times more
If no feedback 2 Send push
Инструменты поиска и сортировки в дереве устройств
Добрый день! хочу предложить идею реализовать в дереве устройств инструменты поиска и сортировки, может даже группировки (папки).
столкнулись со следующей проблемой, когда очень много устройств (сейчас в проекте почти 200 устройств), очень сложно найти что либо. уже специально сортируем. стараемся логично называть устройства. Но что либо найти - иногда очень не реально. после того, как генерируется панельный проект все становится еще сложней
iPhone/iPad volume buttons
It would be great to use hardware volume buttons on Apple devices for home automation control. Take event and do some action. I.e. simple volume control for room audio system.
BR, D.
Resize aspect rate with background color/picture instead of black lines
Please vote if you agree:
Usually we have something like this, when we design project for iPad and have to use it oin 16/9 panel. Black lines on sides look like we're in 2007 again and impossible to offer for end-user
I'd offer that app uses background picture or color to form additional space when it is needed. Then we get something much more usable and save time if this result is satisfactory:
No clone-option in server project
in panelprojects, we can clone an existing command (or Feedback) with RMB-click, and choose 'clone'.
For server project this option is not available.
Please implement
Добрый день. Возможно реализовать следующее? 1) Масштабирование графиков, т.е. возможность просматривать тренд за два часа и за 30 дней. 2) Сетка. 3) Скорость отрисовки - тренд на 3 дня отрисовыывается почти минуту.
В текущем виде графики не функциональны вообще.
Showing of feedback channel use in server
In a client app, we can see which feedback channels are used in the ui:
In server, we cannot.
This is even more important in server as licenses are limited by data points / tags- and I cannot see which are not used to remove them. I have to compare with the client app - tedious and prone to error.
Can this piece on info please be included in the data about a feedback channel between server and client projects when both creating a server project and syncing the client project
It will make life easier when trying to get below the level of data points / tags for a license :)
More options to show commands and feedback in Webinterface iRidium Server
In real projects, we have thousands commands and feedbacks.
In the current way, it's very time-consuming to scroll (view) all these commands and feedbacks in the Webinterface, because the only option is to see the next or previous page with 10 items (commands/feedbacks).
That's the reason we want options for showing 'all' or 'next 50' or 'next 100' items, so it's easier for installers to scroll through these lists.
Сканер отпечатка пальцев на мобильном устройстве как альтернатива текстового ввода пароля
С появлением новой функции IR.Camera, можно сделать альтернативу текстового ввода пароля. Такую, как распознавание лиц (пользователя, интегратора). Плюс к этому, можно использовать встроеный отпечаток пальцев, имеющийся на мобильных устройствах
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