We have moved our support service to a new technical support system. Since 17.01.2022, we have disabled the ability to create appeals through the userecho personal account. Now all requests are processed via mail to support@iridi.com .

Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.


Iridiumserver password with "special" characters

Dennis Piet 4 years ago in Bugs and problems updated by Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 4 years ago 1

During intial setup of my first Iridium UMC server I ran into trouble after setting the password.

After that I always got the "wrong password" error when logging in.

With some trial&error I found out that there is a problem with passwords with special characters.

At least passwords with ^ and & give problems.

Please fix this bug, or make sure that the user cannot set password with forbidden characters in the first place.

Under review

iRidium server on Raspberry Pi - multiple VLAN control?

Iain Brew 5 years ago in Bugs and problems updated by Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 4 years ago 5

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 running iRidium Server. Current setup is:





I have a collection of DANTE devices which I would like to segregate on to VLAN 4. Two of these devices have a single physical ethernet port, but two virtual interfaces with two MAC addresses (Shure MXA910 DANTE microphone). I understand that I could 'tag' the interface of the Raspberry Pi for both VLAN 1 and VLAN 4, but iRidium Server can only send commands on the first interface it sees. 

The DANTE microphone is:



Gateway: none


Is there a clever way of allowing iRidium Server to control devices across more than one VLAN?

Under review

Проблема с GetDevice для панельной части после создания серверного проекта

Добрый день.

Для панельного проекта написан скрипт:

var d1int = 0;

var d1perm = 0;

//Реле 1 (главный вход)

IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_ITEM_PRESS, IR.GetItem("MainPage").GetItem("Door1perm"), function ()


d1perm = IR.GetItem("MainPage").GetItem("Door1perm").Value;



IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_ITEM_PRESS, IR.GetItem("MainPage").GetItem("Door1"), function ()


if(IR.GetItem("MainPage").GetItem("Door1").Value == 0){IR.ClearInterval(d1int);}

if(IR.GetItem("MainPage").GetItem("Door1perm").Value == 0 && d1perm == 1){d1perm = 0;}

d1int = IR.SetTimeout(2000, function()


if(d1perm == 0){IR.GetDevice("KNX").Set("Rele1",0);}



Без серверное части скрипт работал. После создания серверной части и развёртки проекта в виде "панель+сервер" (сервер софтварный, установлен на ПК) строка if(d1perm == 0){IR.GetDevice("KNX").Set("Rele1",0);} стала выдавать ошибку Script exception: TypeError: .... RelayDelay.js:20: Tried to use null as an object.

IR.Log(IR.GetDevice("KNX")) выдаёт null. Команды по нажатию на кнопки (включение/выключение реле на актуаторе) выполняются: реле переключается. Проблема в скрипте или что-то не так настроено в серверной части? Просьба помочь с проблемой (файлы проекта - в приложении).

Project 2 (Panel).irpz
Project 2 (Server).sirpz

Under review

Make public

Andreas-P 5 years ago in Bugs and problems updated by Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 5 years ago 1

Every time I’m opening the i3 lite app, make public (synchronization of project with server) pop up. 
Sometimes I need to do this 1-3times before it disappears. And when I use the app some hours later, the same problem comes again. 


iRidium Studio - multiscreen bug

Maciej Walentowski 5 years ago in Bugs and problems updated by Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 5 years ago 6

In office I use external screen for my laptop. When use iRidium studio have on main screen, and pages overview, project device panel and device base on second monitor.

When Im out off office and doesn't have external monitor can't find that pages.

Under review

MQTT Driver - Client ID

Tero Mäkelä 5 years ago in Bugs and problems updated by Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 5 years ago 5


Is there any way to create mqtt client id for every iridium client automatically? Now I have to create different iridium clients for every phones, because mqtt disconnects if there is same client id's connected (mqtt client collision).


deleting server logs on iridium C3 server not working?

JBOY 5 years ago in Bugs and problems updated by Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 5 years ago 2


I would like to delete the current logs on my UMC C3 iridium server.

When i push the 'delete all logs' button, i see that all references to the log files are removed at that moment.

However, when i load a new project to the server, all old log files are present again.

So: how to remove the logs from the servers through the web interface?

iRidium Server (build, Mar 28 2019 17:38:20) | Web-panel: v1.0.3.20 (Mar 12 2019)

 working with studio V1.3.6.20458



Under review

Не приходя фидбэки от модуля тёплых полов HDL Buspro MFH06.432

Умед 5 years ago in Bugs and problems updated by Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 5 years ago 7

Добрый день. Проблема заключается в том, что от модуля тёплых полов не приходят фидбеки об уставки, выбранном режиме и кнопки включения тёплого пола. Хотя все эти данные подгружаются при старте проекта.


JstDimmer / MlvDimmer issue with modbus

oggi katic 6 years ago in Bugs and problems updated by Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 5 years ago 5


Have somebody used jstdimmer / mlvdimmer with modbus? i have a issue when i send a token when i click on round joystick, 

it works normally when i descreasing and increasing on buttons

When i click on round joystick i get the command sends a 0 into modbus controller. 

Image 31570

script indexOf()

Romain LE CAN 6 years ago in Bugs and problems updated by a pivovarov 4 years ago 11


i want to use a javascript function on my project but when i use it i can see on the log "function is not defined"

the function is indexOf() to return the position of an element in an array.


is it the right syntax in iridium ?

thanks for your help