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Get the email of the panel user

Christophe MATHEY 5 лет назад в Ideas обновлен 5 лет назад 4

Hi Iridium,

It would be interesting to get the email of the panel or phone user.

In fact, by knowing the email user we could be specified the visualisation of each user.

I look for to sell a solution for city and use the iridium visualization to give some specific right as following the user ( or the email used to ddownload the viualisation project) ....

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Project Associated Tokens

Mike Slattery 6 лет назад в Ideas обновлен Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 5 лет назад 1

It would be best for Project Tokens to be only associated with their project within the folder for the project. Currently Project Tokens are stored in a common file irconfig.xml and this causes issues if projects are changed. Currently we delete the folder "iRidium pro documents" and then load our project so it can start clean.


Has anybody tried to connect to Synology Surveillance Station NVR

Paulo de Almeida 7 лет назад в Ideas обновлен Abhishek 7 лет назад 7


I was wondering if anybody has tried this? You would be able to access NVR > IP Camera Stream, PTZ control function etc...



Sorbodoekje 4 года назад в Ideas обновлен Tatiana Kiselyova (expert) 4 года назад 12

It would be nice, to be able to build a component, just like in c#, which can be re-used with parameters etc. That would save quite some development time. And it will prevent bugs, because I can spend my time one time on making a good component and then re-use it everywhere


Sorting in Backup Projects view

Wouter van der Post 4 года назад в Ideas обновлен Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 4 года назад 1


In the My Account > My Projects page you can see a list of all the uploads of the project: 

Image 42415

It seems this list is sorted by the 'Name' field.

Can you add sorting on 'Project create date' (descending) within the current sorting so the last project is the first item in the list?

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log system

feri setiawan 4 года назад в Ideas обновлен Tatiana Kiselyova (expert) 4 года назад 4

hy all

can i3 pro show log traffic channel lighting...

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add photo into the photo gallery in iOS and Android

Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 4 года назад в Ideas обновлен Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 4 года назад 8


We can get photo's from iOS and Android Gallery.

But how can we save a photo (or picture) in the iOS or Android Gallery?

Please add this functionality.




Database Backup and Restore

Kris 4 года назад в Ideas обновлен Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 4 года назад 1


It would be very useful to have a mechanism/API allowing backup and restore of the system database to/from the cloud. It could be private cloud storage or iRidium cloud. It would allow to keep the historical data in case server failure or other accidental data wipe. I understand that at the moment it is only possible by manual copying database file between devices/folders, which might be problematic in some cases.

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slideshow screensaver

S CL 5 лет назад в Ideas обновлен Arina Kiselyova 5 лет назад 1


Is there a possibility that the screensaver function shows more than 1 page/ picture?
To the idea of a slide show.


Apple watch

AlejandroG 5 лет назад в Ideas обновлен Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 4 года назад 1

Are there any plans or options to bring apple watch control with iridium mobile?

Would be a great options, since other less advanced platforms than iRidium offer that option.


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