We have moved our support service to a new technical support system. Since 17.01.2022, we have disabled the ability to create appeals through the userecho personal account. Now all requests are processed via mail to support@iridi.com .

Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.


Samsung Smart TV Driver for 6 series

Александр Ярмоленко 7 jaar geleden in Ideas bijgewerkt door Hattie 5 jaar geleden 1

Предлагаю разработать драйвер для управления современными телевизорами Samsung. Хотелось бы управлять UE40MU6100UXRU 6-й серии например. Тот драйвер что есть  сейчас работает только с древними телевизорами.


Поддержка видео H264 в iRidium

Интел Хоум 7 jaar geleden in Ideas bijgewerkt door Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 5 jaar geleden 1

Предлагаю проголосовать за данный кодек, т.к. данный кодек необходим для интеграции некоторых производителей домофонии (например bpt) в интерфейс управления. Если за него проголосует достаточное количество интеграторов, то повысится приоритет этой задачи и она будет решена быстрее (ответ разработчиков).


i3 Pro (client) for Linux

Post 7 jaar geleden in Ideas bijgewerkt door anonymous 6 jaar geleden 2

Having the client available for Linux would open the possibility to build more affordable wall panels and with more intelligence. It could run on oDroid boards, RaspberryPi, etc. which in their place support a wide variety of affordable touchscreens.

Windows and Android panels are hard to control remotely, not always stable and need extra attention for updates. Linux is much easier to keep up to date without user intervention and easy to control remotely (in a secure way).


Access rights to users

Deepak 6 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Pepijn Albers | TechMo 3 jaar geleden 7

Can we set up access rights for each user so they only see certain rooms / devices etc? I was told this is not possible but its on the works. any idea when this might happen?




Logitech Harmony

Harald 6 jaar geleden in Ideas bijgewerkt door Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 6 jaar geleden 1

Please create a connection module for Logitech Harmony Hub. Would be nice to use Iridium to control all my av equipment.


Добавление возможности принудительного запроса статуса feedback для сети knx

Sorokin 9 jaar geleden in Ideas bijgewerkt door Tatiana Kiselyova (expert) 4 jaar geleden 1

Предлагаю добавить возможность запроса статуса объекта, некоторое оборудование не поддерживает периодическую отправку статуса, например модули управления сервоприводами Theben. Для подобных ситуаций было бы полезно отправлять команду read в сеть KNX, а не запрос токена из приложения iridium, для избежания рассинхронизации например при перезапуске подобного оборудования.


sort channels and feedbacks by name

Daniel Sebastiao 6 jaar geleden in Ideas bijgewerkt door Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 4 jaar geleden 5

It wold help

greatly the ability to sort the feedbacks and channels on drivers both on panel project and server project. I have a KNX IP BAOS driver with more thana thousand commands and feedbacks. 


Smooth regulation

Andrey S 5 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door AlejandroG 5 jaar geleden 2

For some devices, a delay is required before sending a value for the Move Event (Level Item).

Not for position of slider, only for value of Level item. (UI.Page 1.Level Item 1.Value)

The device (or driver) receives too many request and does not have time to complete them.

In other words, this is a new property for Level (.DelayBetweenSetValue = 100 ms).

For example: this is required for Lutron native driver if you add send Value for Move event.

Image 36417

Image 36418

Smooth regulation is work clear in the Lutron application.

It also requires locking of setting feedbacks Level value during adjustment itself. (.AnimationBusy = 1).

In animation shows level twitching during regulation.


Temperature graph

Harald Kjellevik 6 jaar geleden in Modules bijgewerkt door Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 6 jaar geleden 3

Please add a module with a widget showing historical temperatures by room, outdoor, by day, by week and so on.


Logarithmic Level

Paul van Boven 7 jaar geleden in Ideas bijgewerkt door Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 7 jaar geleden 1


The possiblity to select a diffent curve/behaviour for a level would be a great addition.

it's something I really mis. Logarithmic curves for levels would be great.

Often you want more precision in the lower values and a Logatihmic curve would the solution.

Is this something to implementfor the future ?

My regards,

Paul van Boven