On this forum you can discuss iRidium with other users.
iRidium consist of 2 main components - i3 pro app and iRidium Server. Please post here your questions, ideas or errors you find.
Please send your questions to support team as a private messages.
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We have moved our support service to a new technical support system. Since 17.01.2022, we have disabled the ability to create appeals through the userecho personal account. Now all requests are processed via mail to support@iridi.com .
Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.
Wrong screens in i3 Pro app
Download the i3 Pro app.
Download the project "How it works"
Look (and correct) the next screens:
On the mainpage, the button "www.iRidiumMobile.net" is not working (doesn't open the website)
When opening the button "Tranfser", version 2.0 is displayed
When opening the button "Studio", a screenshot of 2.0 is displayed.
And so on, and so on.
To be short: update the complete i3 Pro to the current situation, without old screenshots, not working URL's, etc.
Hello Theo,
Yes, we know about this. We will plan to fix this in release version.
www.iRidiumMobile.net" is not working (doesn't open the website)
Unfortunately, but this is requirement of Apple for our app.
I use the server (for test) with a i2control client and with a KNX driver.
And with the server it's OK for the KNX driver (commands and feedback).
Thank you to answer these questions, I would like to move forward on the server test project (data base) with a panel control project (i2control).
In the documentation it writes (see above): Virtual variables are available for editing from a control panel. You mean from a control panel in the Studio development tool ?
I understood that the Virtual-tags could be changed from a control panel (i2control). It is not the case ?
The Virtual-Tags variables is the database on the server ?
In I/O and Virtual-Tags:
This point is not clear and is not explained.
What does the "Persist"?
In French is thought understand: a saved data. It is not in your document
To save a data in the database must select only the data type "Stored In DB" ?
Or also I have to put Persist = Yes
Is it possible to transfer variables from the database (Virtual-Tags) to a client application i2control ?
Is it possible to transfer data from a client application i2control to the database (Virtual-Tags) server ?
And if yes, how do I transfer the data ?
Thank You
Best Regards
Some trouble.
When rotating element that is fully on the page everything is ok.
When trying to rotate element that is partially over the screen only visible part is rotating.
Пугающую красную надпись лицензии отложить хотябы на 3-5 сек от старта панели
Красная надпись должна появлятся по факту (нет локальной -> поищем серверную -> нет сервера/свободных лицензий/проблеммы и тд...), а не при старте.
Сейчас сделали 10 секундную задержку после загрузки проекта ( Должно хватить для подключения, даже если связь плохая.
Server debugging (logging) settings
I cannot find what is described in the article above to adjust the server logging levels
Please tell me where to look to find these settings, am I in the right version?
1. Panel project Settings:
2. Server Project Settings button is disabled
3. Panel project driver properties:
4. Server project Drivers
1. Setting in iRidium GUI Editor (Setup of system logs)
- Click Settings
Не удается сохранить значение переменной в базу данных
Создан «Server Project».
В «Server Project» создан «Server.Tags.Virtual 1».
В скрипте создан счетчик от 0 до 99 с шагом +1 раз в секунду.
Значение счетчика посылается в созданный тэг.
Для контроля в лог выводится значение счетчика и значение тэга.
Изменение этого значения я вижу как в логе, так и в web-интерфейсе сервера в закладке «Work/Feedbacks».
В настройках «Server.Tags.Virtual 1» я выбирал разные варианты:
вариант 1
Store In DB: Signed 32bit
DB Save Strategy: Deadband
Deadband = 0
вариант 2
Store In DB: Signed 32bit
DB Save Strategy: Deadband
Deadband = 1
вариант 3
Store In DB: Signed 32bit
DB Save Strategy: Interval
Interval = 1 sec
вариант 4
Store In DB: String UTF8
Затем я посылал файл в трансфер, запускал сервер, открывал web-интерфейс, видел что данные тэга меняются и на графике «Work/Feedbacks» отображаются.
Однако, во вкладке web-интерфейса «System/Database», в пункте DataBase Size: 0b постоянно для всех вариантов 1…4.
Также я делал «Panel Project», из существующего «Server Project», и создавал «Linear Trend». В нем я также не мог отобразить состояние «Server.Tags.Virtual 1» (перебрал несколько настроек).
У меня сложилось впечатление, что значение счетчика не пишется в базу данных.
ETS5 Group Address Styles <-> Studio
Идея: в добавлении либо полей "не редактируемых" с отображением 2 и Free стилей. для адреса 3 уровневого.
Либо в изменяемом параметре для KNX IP Routrea -> Group Address Styles.
3-Level; | 2/2/2 = 00010/010/00000010b |
2-Level; | 2/514 = 00010/010 00000010b |
Free-Level; | 4610 = 00010 010 00000010b |
Между 2 и 3 уровневым стилем переключить проект можно в самом ETS. А вот если он будет во FREE варианте то ... придётся ломать голову что надо отправить 2/2/2 на адресс 4610.
Import of .knxproj-files is still not OK
When importing .knxproj-files in iridium Studio, commands are visible in 'Feedback' tree and feedbacks are visible in 'Command' tree.
And example:
A command to switch on/off a light, is also visible in 'Feedbacks'.
A feedback to show the temperature from a Weather station is also visible in 'Commands'.
It takes much time to cleanup all these wrong imported items: installers have to delete manually all feedbacks that are visible in 'Commands', and remove all commands that visible in 'Feedbacks'.
We expected this was fixed after 4 years of experience with KNX...
Please fix.
Projects conversion, excel drivers table
Hi team, happy new year. A new year is coming and a new idea is coming too.
When I convert an old project into a new iridium panel project all the drivers will be lost, all the associations will be lost because if a put all the old driver in the server project the name will change. It would be a good idea if you create a simple tool to export old drivers (all togheter) into excel format from the previuos version and import the same file modified (users will made all the changes they need in excel, more easy) and then read the drivers from that excel table. This will be very useful when you have many drivers and associacions. Or if for you will be more esy done this directly in iridium, but I think is more difficult than using an excel table, like the one used to import modbus register already done. Sorry for my explanation but if you need more detailed info, fell free to ask. Best regards, and happy new year.
Modbus TCP Server
С учетом выхода iridium server получается есть два варианта настроить подключение панелей iridium к iridium server'у:
1. Связать проект панели с проектом сервера, подключение панелей на порт 30464 сервера.
2. Использовать компонент modbus tcp server на стороне iridium server, а на стороне панелей поднять modbus tcp master, которые и будут связаны с сервером через порт 502. ИЛИ это не возможно?
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