On this forum you can discuss iRidium with other users.
iRidium consist of 2 main components - i3 pro app and iRidium Server. Please post here your questions, ideas or errors you find.
Please send your questions to support team as a private messages.
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We have moved our support service to a new technical support system. Since 17.01.2022, we have disabled the ability to create appeals through the userecho personal account. Now all requests are processed via mail to support@iridi.com .
Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.
Event when statusses are requested in Duotecno system
When the i3 pro app is starting, all Duotecno statuses are requested from the Duotecno system. This can be a time-consuming process, specially with big Duotecno installations.
Is there an event, to 'monitor' when this process is 'ready/finalized'?
If not, can this event build-in in i3 pro?
This is also very usefull for other protocols...
Beckhoff ADS not working
After following instructions on this wiki page, i am not able to communicate with any Beckhoff PLC.
Tried various port - 801, 301, 48898 but with no luck.
Please guide on how to communicate with my Beckhoff PLC (CX 5020)
raspberry pi 3 HDL BUSPRO
Scene Control feedback from DLP
Greetings all,
I have programmed a DLP panel with HDL buspro app for activating some Scene.
when i am running the scene (lets say morning ) from the DLP i can not see any feedback on the App. however, if i control each channel individually or broadcast them i can see the changes and feedback in the App.
any suggestion how to fix it?
Переменная в листенере
Добрый день. У меня вопрос такой, можно ли использовать переменную в листенере? Например так:
var Name1;
var Name2;
IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_ITEM_PRESS, IR.GetPopup("Страница 1").GetItem("Item 1"), function ( )
Name2 = IR.GetPopup("Страница 1");
IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_ITEM_PRESS, Name2.GetItem("Item 2"), function ( )
Name1 = "Свет";
IR.GetPopup("Страница 1").GetItem("Item 3").Text = Name1;
Compatibility for Weinzierl KNX IPBaos774 and IP Interface 730/731
iRidium Studio is compatible with IPBoas774, IP Interface 730 and 731?
Studio not find this devices during import.
Can I AddListener on System or Project Tokens change or update?
Can I AddListener on System or Project Tokens change or update?
I try to do something like this
if(IR.GetVariable("System.Battery.Level") < 25)
IR.GetPage("pg_main").GetItem("label_battery").GetState(0).FillColor = 0xFF0000FF
Will USB KNX / Raspberry Pi Interface work with IR server?
Will USB KNX Interface work with IR server?
such as this one
or this one
(rPI will see this as /dev/ttyAMA0 not sure if I can use kBerry for this or not?)
Scheme (логические таблицы) в iRidium Pro
Добрый день, работая с новым инструментов iRidium Pro - Scheme, появились как вопросы так и предложения. Я считаю что это отличный инструмент для тех, кто не умеет программировать. Перейду к сути. При работе с таблицами первое чего не хватает катастрофически, так это:
- невозможность копирования/клонирование блоков, либо самих таблиц,
- переименование блоков, либо дополнительных названий для них
- если блок Value, то было бы не плохо отображать введенное значение и в самом блоке.
- еще хотелось бы чтобы данные из Tag можно было получать без прибегания к скриптам.
Хотелось бы напрямую общаться со специалистом, который сделал этот супер инструмент, да бы вместе его усовершенствовать.
Run external command on client
Is there any way I can run executables on the local client (Windows/Linux)? Either triggered from the server or the client?
There are several things I would like to do:
- open a browser from the panelsoftware (open WebTV for example)
- change window focus (bring certain application windows to front)
- wake/sleep the screen based on actions (movement or alarm status)
- halt/reboot the machine
- change the volume/mute
Customer support service by UserEcho