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Мы перевели нашу службу поддержки на новую систему технической поддержки. С 17.01.2022 мы отключили возможность создавать обращения через личный кабинет userecho. Теперь все запросы обрабатываются по почте на support@iridi.com .
Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.
Voice to control home automation Amazon
I have a Amazon echo. It can control everything by voice. It very nice. I want use it to control my device. But I don't known how to get code from Amazon Echo. It use Amazon cloud. thanks
New List Direction
As per my other topic for info on the new list..
Direction doesn't seem to work? Even in the sample list project you have provided...?
Hello Damian,
The new list doesn't support Direction now.The new list have a minimal functional in the first release. In future, we plan to improve them.IR.Delay
It would be easy for many installers if we have a function like IR.Delay(500) --> this function insert a delay for .5 second.
It's more convenient for installers then to use IR.SetTimeout.
Please implement IR.Delay()
iRidium KNX UMC Server
Please make it possible to use the iRidium UMC KNX Server like an IP-interface for programming (with the ETS-software) the KNX-installation.
Saving projects in 2.x format in 3.0 Studio
We got many complaints from current installers, that they have to use 2.x GUI Editor AND 3.0 Studio Editor for the future on their PC's, to maintain the projects.
Why it's not possible to save a project in iridium Studio in 2.x format? Look to CorelDraw, Word, Excel, all software worldwide: in every version it's possible to save a file in the 'old' format...
So, please, make it possible to save projects in 2.x format in Studio. We don't see any problem to implement this.
Problem with audio for windows with new SIP driver commands and feedbacks in studio
There are some new SIP driver commands and feedbacks added in the new studio software.
I now got a problem with the audio connection to windows where this worked good in the older 2.2 software.
Is there some demoproject or manual where this new commands and feedbacks are explained?
Please use this project. Here you can turn on different options to increase sound quality. (open the sound settings when calling or before, in driver settings)
Please upgrade all iRIdium components to the latest version from our web site.
More information about sound quality settings you can find here: http://dev.iridiummobile.net/SIP-telephony/en
iRidium и АМХ TP4: Range Time Up / Range Time Down
В режиме кнопки bargraph не работает свойство "Range Time Up" и "Range Time Down", что не позволяет определить задержку на передачу значения при смещении движка слайдера. (c)
iRidium и АМХ TP4: ^BMF и ^BSP
Исправить ошибки в командах ^BMF и ^BSP в части ключей которые определяют позицию расположения кнопки и её размера. Остальные ключи не проверял, но возможно, они тоже не работают. (c)
iRidium и АМХ TP4: HOLD in IRLB Library
Добавить возможность применения активных элементов (button, bargraph и т.д.. кнопки с возможностью HOLD) в IRLB_ библиотеке. Действительно очень нужно! (c)
Также появилось событие HOLD_END, которое необходимо описать в списке IRLB команд
No option to delete 'Local projects' in i3 Pro
When we have several projects in i3 Pro, in the 'Local' list, there is no possibility to remove an (old/unused/wrong) project.
Please add an option to remove projects that are not valueble.
Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho