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Мы перевели нашу службу поддержки на новую систему технической поддержки. С 17.01.2022 мы отключили возможность создавать обращения через личный кабинет userecho. Теперь все запросы обрабатываются по почте на support@iridi.com .
Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.
Driver Sony tv?
Anyone have driver to communicatie with a Sony tv and would like to share with me? Thanks!
Force Content-Length in header
The webserver (API) I am calling from iRidium requires the Content-Length header to be present. Even a value of '0' is OK, as long as the header property is in the request.
If I execute the following:
IR.GetDevice("Custom AV").SendEx({ Type: "POST", Url: "/api/v1/sp/1/1, Headers: {"Content-Type":"application/json", "X-Api-Key":"somekey"}, cbReceiveCode: function(code) { if (code != 200) { IR.Log("Error response (" + code + ") received"); } }, cbReceiveText: function(text, code, headers) { if (code != 200) { IR.Log("Error response (" + code + ") received\r\nDetails: " + text); } } });
There is no Content-Length header in the request.
I tried to force it by adding an empty data object:
var data = ""; IR.GetDevice("Custom AV").SendEx({ Type: "POST", Url: "/api/v1/sp/1/1, Data: [data], Headers: {"Content-Type":"application/json", "X-Api-Key":"somekey"}, cbReceiveCode: function(code) { if (code != 200) { IR.Log("Error response (" + code + ") received"); } }, cbReceiveText: function(text, code, headers) { if (code != 200) { IR.Log("Error response (" + code + ") received\r\nDetails: " + text); } } });
But this also does not add the header.
According to the documentation I can't add this property to the Header field.
Can you tell me if there is another way to add "Content-Length":0 to the request header?
RenderOGL.dll issue
A few days ago I have started experiencing issues with the emulator. Mostly when I start the emulator I receive the following message in the log
RENDER Use of the Blur effect on [RenderOGL.dll] with your video card is not possible
My video cards are Intel and AMD Radeon.
I have been using the same hardware for iRidium for years without this issue. I have updated all my video drives with no success. Symptoms are:
1. slow to select and move objects on a popup
2. slow (slower than normal) to load the emulator
3. when the emulator loads the black background is white, dark grey buttons are light grey. White text can't be seen.
I have changed the options to DirectX from GL and that has improved the delay but not changed the emulator.
Токен датчика приближения не работает
Добрый веер, уважаемая техподдержка
Столкнулись с проблемой, не работает токен датчика приближения.
Проверяли на iOS и Android. Значения всегда false, вне зависимости от состояния датчика "Зыкрыт/открыт" - накрывали датчик.
PS Еще куда-то пропала вся история тикетов.
new line feed after message is entered in the log text file?
for my debugging purposes, it would be good to see a clear overview of all debug messages in the server logfile (without postprocessing etc).
Right now, it seems to be continous text which is hard to read quickly.
How can one enter a new line feed after each (all, not only script) comment, so that each line starts with the [time] followed by the comment.
Драйвер Modbus RTU
Добрый день.
При работе с драйвером Modbus RTU возник вопрос, каким образом можно получить данные из Holding Register в формате "беззнаковых 2 байта"?
Value* Word Size значение
0 .. 65535 Word(16 bit) без знаковых 2 байта
-32768 .. 32767 Word(16 bit) знаковых 2 байта
В контроллерах, использующих протокол Modbus RTU есть настройка, какой тип использовать для каждой переменной знаковый или беззнаковый.
Force save project token value
I need to be able to forcefully store the value of a project token in a panel project. In case of power loss the token values are lost. I write the value to the token from JS, so a function like "IR.PersistTokens()" would be more than welcome.
Can anyone help me how to connect to a telnet without username and password and just send comments and receive feedback.Thanks
ethernet driver or DB for atlona switch pro3
i need to control an atlona switch 8*8 PRO3 via ethernet like an AV customer
if there is any data base or driver for it to be controlled by I3 pro
I3 lite server and I3 pro server on the same machine
Hello everybody,
Thanks for your support.
I installed I3 pro server with one panel (wall ipad) but the customer wants to use his smartphone outside the house.
Can I installed both I3pro and I3 lite server on the same machine? I just want to use I3lite for his smartphone to use it simply and don't create a new project with I3pro.
Thanks in advance
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