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Мы перевели нашу службу поддержки на новую систему технической поддержки. С 17.01.2022 мы отключили возможность создавать обращения через личный кабинет userecho. Теперь все запросы обрабатываются по почте на support@iridi.com .
Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.
SIP i3pro beta properties of driver
In iOS testflight version of i3 control there are a lot of properties in the SIP device which aren't available in iRidium studio (or at least not visible in project device tree) do these properties work, or are they prepared for the future?
Hello Benno and Theo,
Yes, we never stop to improve our app. Beta test is voluntary test and we not only thank all members, but we give a license for active members. If you don't want to spend your time with interim version, I advise you to wait a release version.
Import of .knxproj-files is still not OK
When importing .knxproj-files in iridium Studio, commands are visible in 'Feedback' tree and feedbacks are visible in 'Command' tree.
And example:
A command to switch on/off a light, is also visible in 'Feedbacks'.
A feedback to show the temperature from a Weather station is also visible in 'Commands'.
It takes much time to cleanup all these wrong imported items: installers have to delete manually all feedbacks that are visible in 'Commands', and remove all commands that visible in 'Feedbacks'.
We expected this was fixed after 4 years of experience with KNX...
Please fix.
Projects conversion, excel drivers table
Hi team, happy new year. A new year is coming and a new idea is coming too.
When I convert an old project into a new iridium panel project all the drivers will be lost, all the associations will be lost because if a put all the old driver in the server project the name will change. It would be a good idea if you create a simple tool to export old drivers (all togheter) into excel format from the previuos version and import the same file modified (users will made all the changes they need in excel, more easy) and then read the drivers from that excel table. This will be very useful when you have many drivers and associacions. Or if for you will be more esy done this directly in iridium, but I think is more difficult than using an excel table, like the one used to import modbus register already done. Sorry for my explanation but if you need more detailed info, fell free to ask. Best regards, and happy new year.
Modbus TCP Server
С учетом выхода iridium server получается есть два варианта настроить подключение панелей iridium к iridium server'у:
1. Связать проект панели с проектом сервера, подключение панелей на порт 30464 сервера.
2. Использовать компонент modbus tcp server на стороне iridium server, а на стороне панелей поднять modbus tcp master, которые и будут связаны с сервером через порт 502. ИЛИ это не возможно?
Загрузка панельного проекта на панель
И попутный вопрос: должен ли работать эмулятор в панельном проекте при запущенном сервере (проект на сервер загружен)?
Change name of item in Pages Tree
If you are in the Pages Tree, and select an item, then press F2, the cursor must go automatically to the field "Name" in the General-tab (in Properties), so the name of the item can be changed easily.
Also if you press twice on a name of an item in the Pages Tree, you should be able to edit the current name of the item
And if you right-click with your mouse on an item, you have to get the possibility to Edit the current name of the item.
In iRidium Studio:
The hotkey "Alt + F2" in Project Overview Panel (Pages, Popups, Items) - the cursor must go automatically to the field "Name" in the General-tab.
Hotkey "Esc" after change of name - back in Project Overview Panel
Selection of locked items is not possible
When selecting 2 or more LOCKED items with the mouse, this is not possible.
Please fix
Hello Theo,
Please, check with iRidium Studio
Setup: www.iridiummobile.net/redirects/?go=iridium3_betasetup
Клоны каналов
Клоны каналов создаются но их нельзя удалить
Копирование свойств и групповая модификация параметров тренда
Добрый день.
Не нашел как скопировать свойств тренда, а так же групповой модификации тренда.
Load license to panels
Maybe I have just missed something, but I can´t get the panels to load a license so I can test i3 pro. Can you please provide an instruction for this or an explanation on how it should work so I know where to look? The clients display the message stating that no license is found or waiting for connection to iRidium server. Thanks in advance!
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