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Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.


control HDL Panel via iridium

Yun Wa Yiu 10 лет назад в Продукты / HDL-BUS Pro обновлен Ekaterina (head of support) 10 лет назад 2
I set the scene setting in MP8B.48, how can i call the panel button and receive the panel button status via iridium?

Тригер и отключение сцены по второму нажатию

Nikolai 9 лет назад в Продукты / HDL-BUS Pro обновлен Ekaterina (head of support) 9 лет назад 1

Добрый день, вопрос следующего характера. У меня по кнопке тригеру идет включение сцены. Можно ли следующим нажатием отключить сцену или включить другую? Используя только штатные средства программы? (Вариант с холдом есть, но хотелось бы при обычном нажатии выключать сценарий)Спасибо


Problem to control HDL by Internet

Paolo Scarpetta 9 лет назад в Продукты / HDL-BUS Pro обновлен Ekaterina (head of support) 9 лет назад 5
I have a client where I can not control the instalation outside the house (out the wifi range). Is rare because is the first time it happend to me. I configurate the forward in the router (port 10001 to 10005 to the IP of my HDL device) and doble check the public IP of the house. I can even see the setup from my office with HDL tool sw.
PS. Is not my first instalation when I configurate this and a never have this problem, but is the first time the conection is via optic fiber can be there the problem?
На рассмотрении

Iridium Editor having problem with the HDL bus pro 8 in 1 sensor module latest

Punith 9 лет назад в Продукты / HDL-BUS Pro обновлен Ekaterina (head of support) 9 лет назад 11
In iridium Editor I have configured TV for Universal switch ,, Some of Rooms Switch not working with the 8 in 1 sensor ,,When i try it manually with the sensor ,it works fine ,, when i am trying to work with the iridum Ipad, It does not work here all 8 in 1 sensor configured IR signals are same,, Here i came to know two models sensor are used for the TV configuaration in that one 8 in 1 sensor model(HDL.MS08M.2C) and second 8 in 1 sensor model (HDL.MS08Mn.2C) ,, Those models have Same IR signal Functions ,, here (HDL.MS08M.2C) model is working fine with the iridium ipad applicatio,,,, (HDL.MS08M.2C) model doesnt work with the iridium IPAD,, BUt Its working by manually as i checked in transmit signal,, It works,, when I try to check it on the iridum application ,, it doesnot work,, ,,

​A panel (a device license) ​ can control a project all devices?

losihg2009 l 10 лет назад в Продукты / HDL-BUS Pro обновлен Dmitry - support (expert) 9 лет назад 6
A panel (a device license) can control a project all devices? The project has two or more IP module (HDL-MBUS01IP.431).How to setup?
Ekaterina (head of support) 9 лет назад
IF all the IP modules (HDL-MBUS01IP.431) is in the same network, you don't need an additional settings.
Use the Host in iRidium and you will be able to control all the devices


Dry HDL Status in BackGround

Paolo Scarpetta 9 лет назад в Продукты / HDL-BUS Pro обновлен Ekaterina (head of support) 9 лет назад 4

I want to make a simple warning system of technical alarms. For this I use a dry contact module of HDL.

The system works correctly, when I'm inside it, but when I´m running in the background is not working. What can be wrong?

Attach the project to be better understood.

Note: To make the system work I had to use the "Security Dry Contact Read Status" option and also had to make ask the state of this variable at some time period, otherwise not give me the information about the state of the dry contact.

Alarm Dry.irpz



Punith 10 лет назад в Продукты / HDL-BUS Pro обновлен Olga (expert) 10 лет назад 1
Regarding TCP TO UDP , i put dyndns host name into the project and i put port of 10005 in iridium GUI editor project, I have put on running mode in iridium gate ,,,SO It is working via internet only and it doesnot work locally: what i should do it
Olga (expert) 10 лет назад
Dear Punit,

iRidium has a special command which changes the external address to the internal one:
You need to use it for switching between the local network and the Internet.
If the connection doesn't work when working in the local network, it means that the router blocks the connection. It is standard for many routers. You can change the router or use the ready tool for switching networks.

Sincerely yours,

Olga Ermakova
iRidium mobile Team

how can I deactivate?

Yiu Yun Wa 9 лет назад в Продукты / HDL-BUS Pro обновлен Dmitry - support (expert) 9 лет назад 5
Image 9826

How can I deactivate the licence of HDL demo kit?

Sensors in One

Владислав Новиков 9 лет назад в Продукты / HDL-BUS Pro обновлен Ekaterina (head of support) 9 лет назад 6

Доброго времени суток!

Я подключил к системе датчик MSOUT.4W всё вроде бы хорошо, он реагирует на движение , показывает сколько LUX он принимает и влажность воздуха... Но вот с чтением температуры у него не заладилось что-то. В системе HDL-Bus он отображает всё правильно (23-24 градуса цельсия),а в иридиуме почему-то 44. Я уже перепроверил соединение, прочитал Wiki статьи, но что-то у меня не выходит получить правильное значение в иридиуме.

Помогите пожалуйста с решением проблемы.



Driver MZBOX of HDL

cfabara 10 лет назад в Продукты / HDL-BUS Pro обновлен Olga (expert) 10 лет назад 2
I would like to know if the driver of MZBOX is developed..

thanks for your answer
Olga (expert) 10 лет назад
Dear Carlos,

The driver for MZBOX is not ready at the moment. We'll get to working on it in our next versions.

Sincerely yours,

Olga Ermakova
iRidium mobile Team

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