Мы перевели нашу службу поддержки на новую систему технической поддержки. С 17.01.2022 мы отключили возможность создавать обращения через личный кабинет userecho. Теперь все запросы обрабатываются по почте на support@iridi.com .
Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.
iridium lite multiple panels
It is possible to have multiple control pannels when using Iridium lite?
Отображение статуса
Здравствуйте, хотелось бы узнать, есть ли какой то элемент графический или нечто подобное, что сможет отобразить статус работы приходящий в виде числа от 0 до 3? допустим 0 соответствует отключению, а 1-2-3 степеням мощности
IP Telephone & intercom interface with iridium Pro
I am planing to install KNX, IP PBX along with face video intercom that supports RTSP protocol, and was wondering if i will need any additional hardware to interface it with Iridium Pro and if there is any guidelines i would appreciate it.
Thanks in advance,
Android Studio Inent
I am building or own application on android.
I want to start i3 Pro application from my application.
I need the intent from the app. For startin the activity.
For example this is the intent for starting the settings application: android.procider.Settings.ACTION_Settings.
startActivityForResult(new Intent(android.provider.Settings.ACTION_SETTINGS), 0)
Force read a KNX address bypassing the iridium tag
We have a server project with a KNX IP Router driver present that occasionally fails to receive an update from the KNX bus when bus activity is high.
By monitoring the KNX bus I can see that both the command and feedback is sent across the KNX bus, but the feedback simply doesn't make it to the iRidium server driver. This causes an issue in that the tags storing these levels will be incorrect until the knx address makes another change.
To retrieve the value of a specific KNX address I am indexing
`var value = IR.GetVariable("Drivers.KNX Server.KNX IP Router.1/6/250");`
which retrieves the old value.
My question is this - is there a way I can force a re-read of a specific KNX address? So that if I detect that no update has been received when it should, I can force the KNX IP Router driver to actively read the KNX bus, instead of relying on its cached value?
Looking forward to your reply,
slideshow screensaver
Is there a possibility that the screensaver function shows more than 1 page/ picture?
To the idea of a slide show.
[iRidiumServer][Linux] How to backup and restore database
Good day,
i have an iRidium Server on RaspberryPi with SD damaged, so i need to move the project and database to a NUC with Raspberry Pi OS for Desktop.
I install iRidiumServer for Linux and upload my project from cloud. More i move the IridiumStorage.db from "/var/lib/iRidium Server/Database" on RaspberryPi (old backup) to "/root/iRidium Server/Database" on NUC.
After, i run iRidiumServer and it work correctly and i see the correct size of DB on webpage, but i can't see the data on variable chart.
How can i check if iRidium load correctly the DB? And load old data storaged in DB?
feedback and invert feedback
I have a project with a trigger button which triggers an KNX relay which is assigned normally closed. so if i send 1 the feedback will be 0 and vica versa. This gives a problem with the trigger button because it gets feedback 0 and so wants to send 1 but the relay already got 1 so does nothing and by another press it will send 0 and then the relay will change and gives feedback 1 and so on. I thought when if change feedback from channel to invert channel this would solve the problem, but this doesn't change anything. How do i solve this and what is the difference between feedback channel and invert channel ?
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