Мы перевели нашу службу поддержки на новую систему технической поддержки. С 17.01.2022 мы отключили возможность создавать обращения через личный кабинет userecho. Теперь все запросы обрабатываются по почте на support@iridi.com .
Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.
iRidium Studio sub-menu font size
Font size in iRidium Studio (x64) is very small, and can't be changed using any of the following methods:
- Via Tools>Options>Workspace
- Via Windows10 display settings
- Via Windows10 registry settings (for menu size)
I am using Windows10 on a mac via bootcamp.
Here is a screengrab:
Is it possible to reset/restart a timeout once an event happens again?
Normally I would use the ClearTimeout command but in iRidium this does not work.
Sonos native driver vs JavaScript module
I am confused about the two options for integrating Sonos in my projects. The native driver seems more robust and easy to setup and customize, but is lacking features the js module has, like browsing the library, not only the Sonos favourites.
which is the best option? A combination of the two?
Also noticed that the script detects automatically your players, and with the native driver you have to enter the IP manually. Sometimes I unplug my players and the IP changes, making the native driver unusable. Any way to solve this?
Xicato integration
a client explain me that XICATO lights are now available on iridium but i can't find anything about it on you website or forum. can we use XICATO with I3pro or i3lite or both ? and how to do ?
USB WebCam
HI there!
Is there a way to use USB camera connected to PC as a dynamic image in the iridium UI project ??
The goal is have USB device as image source, as we have RTSP / HTTP video and image source.
If there is not way at now, here is a suggestion / idea!
Screen resolution on ipad air 4th gen
The ipad air 4th gen screen resolution is stated to be 2360 x 1640. When creating a panel project of that exact resolution, the project don't fit the screen of the ipad, having a empty gap on the sides.
Any idea why this happens?
problem with local conection cpu crestron (ios)
Good morning. We are having problems with the latest update of the ios system on both tablet and mobile. In this case, when we try to connect locally to the processor's IP, it gives us connection failure, however, if we make the connection remotely, attacking the public address, the device connects correctly to the CPU. Thank you.
Iridium server NOT starting
Dear all,
During the installation of Iridium Mobile server on my raspberry PI i received following errors when I try to run the script "iridium": ERROR CORE project file does not exist.
This file above comes from the logging directory. Anybody any ideas how to solve this issue?
Включение автообновления проекта через скрипт
Добрый день!
Возможно ли через скрипты включать и выключать автообновление проекта на панели?
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