We have moved our support service to a new technical support system. Since 17.01.2022, we have disabled the ability to create appeals through the userecho personal account. Now all requests are processed via mail to support@iridi.com .

Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.


Keep log window open with on EXIT EVENT

Kenny Stoepel 5 years ago in Tips and Tricks updated by Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 5 years ago 3

I'm using some js code to run IR.EVENT_EXIT. all is working well except that debugging my code is very hard to debug because closing the emulator also closes to Logging window immediatly. 

Is there any workaround that the log window could stay open when closing the emulator?


Iridium server and sonos as doorbell

oggi katic 5 years ago in Tips and Tricks updated 5 years ago 4

hi there.. 

do somebody know how to make a function in server , that plays a file on a Sonos speaker if a modbus command goes on ?

Is it possible ?

Under review

Overview Tcp/Udp communications

Kenny Stoepel 5 years ago updated by Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 5 years ago 1

For a project we need to specify all network ports (TCP/UDP) used by Iridium.

For the server  I presume it's only 

- http : TCP port 8888 

- iridium client  30464 (TCP?)

- Specific driver ports according to the protocols used

for a client connected to a server I assume it's only 30464?

for a client connected directly to end devices it are only the driver specific ports?

for updates to both client and server I guess 433 is used?

Are there any others I forgot? Or is there any documentation on this available?



Moe 5 years ago updated by Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 5 years ago 1

Lutron blinds and Shades control 

Does anybody has the experience working with Lutron and Controlling by iridium pro?


RTSP Cameras with H265 codecs.

David Lagos 5 years ago updated by Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 5 years ago 2

Hi Iridium Team.

I know that Iridium Pro and Iridium Lite can monitor cameras via RSTP with H264 codec. However, I don´t know if both apps support H265 codecs. 


Trigger a script from a button press

Iain Brew 5 years ago updated by bradren007 5 years ago 5

I am working on a small project where by depending on the value of a server tag/feedback, when a button is pressed it will show a particular popup. 

IR.AddListener(IR.EVENT_TAG_CHANGE , IR.GetDevice("F10A-SERVER-01"), function(name,value)
   IR.Log("Name = " + name + ", Value = " + value);    //For Debug Only
   if(name == "LAB1-SIM" && value == 1)
   else if(name == "LAB1-SIM" && value == 0)

In this example, there is a tag on my server called 'LAB1-SIM.' When a particular button is pressed (lets call it 'load' for now) it should load either the 'LabLink_Receive_Lab1' or 'LabLink_NoAccess' popup depending on the value of the tag (0 or 1).

The trouble I have is tying this script to a button press. The script should only be executed when the button is pressed, not at project startup or if the tag value changes. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


JavaScript Editor

Mike Slattery 5 years ago in Tips and Tricks updated by Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 5 years ago 5

Finally a JavaScript editor that will check your code. The new Visual Studio 2019 will check for errors in you code and mark them red. It has always been a pain looking for vars not defined or defined multiple times and ";" and breaks not used. It will mark all the "==' and claim you should use "===". Just ignore these. 


Can I hide the name and dotted bounding box in the studio editorso that I can edit very small buttons?

William_WCAV 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 2

In the GUI editor, the name of a button is always show in the top left, can I switch this off?

Also can I switch off the dotted bounding box?

Under review

MQTT Driver - Client ID

Tero Mäkelä 5 years ago in Bugs and problems updated by Vladimir Ovchinnikov (expert) 5 years ago 5


Is there any way to create mqtt client id for every iridium client automatically? Now I have to create different iridium clients for every phones, because mqtt disconnects if there is same client id's connected (mqtt client collision).


Автозапуск i3Pro на iOS после авторизации

mankov 5 years ago updated by Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 5 years ago 4

Добрый день!

Подскажите, какими средствами можно организовать автозапуск приложения i3Pro на iOS после авторизации