
On this forum you can discuss iRidium with other users.

iRidium consist of 2 main components - i3 pro app and iRidium Server. Please post here your questions, ideas or errors you find.

Please send your questions to support team as a private messages.

Please subscribe to the Change Log to know our news

We have moved our support service to a new technical support system. Since 17.01.2022, we have disabled the ability to create appeals through the userecho personal account. Now all requests are processed via mail to support@iridi.com .

Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.


Global Cache not working if upgraded from earlier version

Jackie Roos 8 jaar geleden in Server Solutions bijgewerkt 8 jaar geleden 0

1. Existing client/server project, has been created a couple of month ago and upgraded to 1.0.7. Global Cache commands are not sent from server.

2. Delete the existing GC drivers, create new GC drivers, commands are sent from the server

2. New client/server project, created in 1.0.7, GC commands are sent from server.

Tested with IP2CC, Windows 10 64Bit, iRidium64.exe and iRidiumServer64.exe

Project sent to support email


raspberry pi - GPIO? как можно задействовать?

Oleg Starikov 8 jaar geleden in Server Solutions bijgewerkt door Oksana (expert) 8 jaar geleden 2

Добрый день!

как можно и можно ли задействовать GPIO входы выход на raspberry pi?


Прием-ответ запросов от веб сервера

volk_234 8 jaar geleden in Server Solutions / Linux Server bijgewerkt door Nikolay Rusanov 8 jaar geleden 1

Возможно ли принимать HTTP запросы и отсылать ответ от не иридиум сервера?


remote logging in server

Jackie Roos 8 jaar geleden in Server Solutions bijgewerkt door Dmitry - support (expert) 7 jaar geleden 1


Is there anything I need to do to setup remote logging from the server other than enabling remote log settings?

I get "template process failed" this in the server when I save the log port:

Image 15218


Linux server start when PC starts, but cannot get to stop or restart

Jackie Roos 8 jaar geleden in Server Solutions / Linux Server 0


I have the following script that starts, stops and restarts iRidium server on Ubuntu

# Provides:          iridiumserver
# Required-Start:    $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop:     $remote_fs $syslog
# Should-Start:      $portmap
# Should-Stop:       $portmap
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: Example initscript
# Description:       This file should be used to construct scripts to be
#                    placed in /etc/init.d.


test -x /iridiumserver/iridium || exit 0
IRPARAMS="--watchdog=10 --hidden"

case "$1" in
        echo -n "Starting iRidium server:"
        cd $IRDIR
        start-stop-daemon --start --chuid $USERID --chdir $IRDIR --make-pidfile --pidfile $IRPID    --exec $IREXE -- $IRPARAMS &
        echo "."

        echo -n "Stopping iRidium server:"
        start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile $IRPID
        if [ -e $IRPID ]
                then rm $IRPID
        echo "."  ;;

        echo -n "Restarting iRidium server:"
        cd $IRDIR
        start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile $IRPID
        start-stop-daemon --start --chuid $USERID --chdir $IRDIR --make-pidfile --pidfile $IRPID    --exec $IREXE -- $IRPARAMS &  echo "."  ;;
        echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/iridiumserver (start|stop|restart)"
        exit 1

exit 0

Then run the following commands in the terminal to get this to work

//move the above script to the startup folder

 cp home/linux/Downloads/iridiumserver /etc/init.d/iridiumserver

//change permissions to be executable

sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/iridiumserver

//add the script to the startup

  sudo update-rc.d iridiumserver defaults 10

Now can run the script manually to test

  sudo /etc/init.d/iridiumserver


 Usage: /etc/init.d/iridiumserver (start|stop|restart)

 sudo /etc/init.d/iridiumserver start


  Starting iRidium server:.
   =================== Start as Daemon ===================
   Main thread exit

//enter CTL + C to get back to the terminal


Test by rebooting

sudo shutdown -r now

The iRidium server starts.

But I cannot get the stop and restarts to work. It says cannot find the pid, and running the second time says stopping, but it does not actually stop.

Any suggestions please?



Linux Server User Documents Directory Name

Jackie Roos 8 jaar geleden in Server Solutions / Linux Server bijgewerkt 8 jaar geleden 0


On Linux, the name of the user documents "iRidium Server", with the space between iRidium and Server means to use this directory name in the command line means we must always put "" around it.

Can you please change to iRidiumServer, without the space.


Not a bug

"Timer" settings ignored

ai-systems@bk ru 8 jaar geleden in Server Solutions / Windows Server bijgewerkt door Oksana (expert) 8 jaar geleden 2

When set a "timer" function >0 these settings are ignored.

When send it from script or buttons - all ok!

Image 14961

Waiting for user's reply

How to use Iridiumserver as a gateway for ETS5

Marc Van de Vyver 8 jaar geleden in Server Solutions / UMC Server bijgewerkt door Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 8 jaar geleden 2

Can some one help me with this issue


Server network interface dynamic allocation

andrey senik 8 jaar geleden in Server Solutions / Windows Server bijgewerkt 8 jaar geleden 1

HI Communiti,

We are using server on win pc, where eth for control and wi-fi (to ISP) are used.

Server keeps conection to equipment with few instances of same custom AV driver.

All works fine if at server start up, and all phisical equipmet is online.

We got a problem if equipment at starting of server is not online, then after equipment goes online server still can't reach it. Wireshark shows server is not communicating euipment at least over ethernet intreface (wi-fi was not checked), while server log shows AV.send is called.

All look fine is wi-fi is disabled at server start up. So I suspect all problems comes from dinamic network interface engagement.

Can anybody comment on server multi network interface operation?

Can server be manually configured to stick to certain network interface?

Apreciate for any feedback


Linux iRidium daemon does not keep running

Jackie Roos 8 jaar geleden in Server Solutions / Linux Server 0


On Ubuntu 16.04

start iRidium: sudo ./iridium --hidden

It will run for a minute or so and then stops - connected clients go offline and system monitor no longer shows the iRidium process

is there anything else I need to do to get this to work as a daemon?

thanks :)