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Мы перевели нашу службу поддержки на новую систему технической поддержки. С 17.01.2022 мы отключили возможность создавать обращения через личный кабинет userecho. Теперь все запросы обрабатываются по почте на support@iridi.com .
Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.
Распечатка Команды и обратной связи
Было бы здорово, если бы была опция распечатки всех вариантов Команд и Обратной связи, включая их свойства.
Это то, когда создается сотни переменных можно распечатать их на бумаге или в "формате файла", чтобы была возможность проверить все ли переменные корректны.
Если бы они все располагались друг под другом, было бы проще найти "типичные" или другие ошибки.
Сейчас довольно трудно нажимать на каждую переменную и проверять ее значение.
Что-то вроде этого:
Light_DimValue_B1 / REAL / R / 500
Light_A1 / Bool / R / 100.0
Light_A2 / Bool / R / 100.1
Light_A3 / Bool / R / 100.2
Обратная связь:
Light_DimValue_B1 / REAL / R / 600
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Return_Status_Light_A1 / Bool / R / 200.0
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Return_Status_Light_A2 / Bool / R / 200.1
iRidium Server Driver Unmanagable in large projects. Please change.
In a client project, iRidiium server combines all commands and feedbacks into one big driver.
In my current project with 6x Global Caches, 2 x Integras, Full Lighting, alarm system and MRA, this makes up to 1000 commands all in one long list.
To top it off, the commands/feedback are ordered by the order they were synched, so the commands/feedback may not be anywhere near the rest of the commands/feedback for that driver.
This makes it very slow going and frustrating to find what I want
The search at the top does not make it any faster.
Please Please Please
1. enable separate server drivers in the client, connecting to iRidium server on different ports (the way iRidium Gate works)
2. Add folders to iRidium Server in the client, matching the name of the drivers. Making it much easier and faster to find commands
rotate items and draw circles
I think it's a good idea to have the function to rotate items in the editor.
Another idea is that you can draw circles without using the circle borders because the borders have a limitation in size.
I think this will give the editor users more possibilities to draw unique interfaces.
Thanks, Erik
I need KNX ETS group adresse structure with 3 Trees - Main / Middle / Group Adresse
When the KNX Projekt file is importet in Iridium Studio or Server i will see the same structure like in ETS with Main Group / Middle Group / Group adress, becouse then it is much easier to connect the funktions to the buttons.
GUI Editor Backup files
Нужно ограничить объем папки Backup или время хранения резервных копий. Сейчас обнаружил папку с бэкапами на 18GB. И это я только один проект проверил.
Горячие клавиши для переключения между состояниями элемента (вперед и назад)
You can move between the element states with "Alt + [" and "Alt + ]" in iRidium Studio
From Photoshop: "Alt (Win) + "[" or "]" targets the layer above or below the currently targeted layer."
import knx project name of command/feedback
Is it possible to create an option when importing a KNXPROJ file to select if we want to use the names of the group addresses or the group address itself?
So for example if I have a group address: 1/1/1 which is called 'Switch light hallway'
It would be usefull to be able to tell iridium it should use 1/1/1 as a name for the command instead of 'switch light hallway'
Of course the same thing will be good for the feedbacks.
That way it is easier to create a universal gui by script.
Please vote for the idea if you like it.
Controls like Visual Studio
Hi All,
What would make the editor very useful is add the possibility for Controls. I am currently working on a project, with multiple gauges on multiple pages. Each gauge has an up and down button and a toggle button. This gauge is corresponding to a particular driver channel, which I currently managed in JavaScript. I would like to have the possibility to create such gauge once and then reuse it, graphically, but also with the events of each button. When I need to change the layout of the gauge, then I do this once and everything is updated. Please have a look at Microsoft Visual Studio, that is what I mean.
Regards, Jan Oost
Отправка значений каналу из редактора
Make JS Editor a non-modal window
I am writing script that needs to be tested on eg iPads. Currently to send the project to transfer, I need to close the JS editor each time to get to the Send to transfer button. This slows down my development time.
Also often I want to click on something or check something in the GUI Editor, but each time I must close the JS Editor first.
Can we please make the JS Editor non- modal, so the JS editor can be open and we can access the GUI editor at the same time to do things like 'send to transfer' or change a button or save the project, without having to close JS Editor first
thanks :)
Сервис поддержки клиентов работает на платформе UserEcho