
On this forum you can discuss iRidium with other users.

iRidium consist of 2 main components - i3 pro app and iRidium Server. Please post here your questions, ideas or errors you find.

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Thank you for your understanding and have a nice day.


Studio Editor - managing Server projects


Managing Server projects in Studio is a disaster at this moment.

In the Drivers-tree, we want:

- Option with RMB on command: clone command

- Search option in drivers-tree

- F2 = rename of command

- When cloning a command, this command is added at the end of the Commands. please insert the cloned command after the command that is cloned, and not at the end of the list with Commands

- Drag & drop 'outside' the visible tree with Commands is NOT possible. This is very oldfashioned and not comfortable for installers --> please make it possible to drag & drop outside the visible list

- Possibility to sort the list with Commands and feedbacks

- is it possible to add Folders in the Driver-tree?

In short: we want all current options in the Driver-tree, just like now in Project Device panel + the things we mentioned above.




Project device panel - change the name of commands

Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 9 years ago in Applications / Studio (Server editor) updated by Oksana (expert) 9 years ago 1


When working in the project device tree, in a panelproject connected to a serverproject, every command is starting with "iRidium KNX Server" (the name of the driver) or the name from other drivers, imported in the server.

Please make an option to show this name or not; it's not needed if we work in the server-driver, and it saves much space if we can disable it.



Image 13336


How to Merge Server Projects?

Jackie Roos 9 years ago in Applications / Studio (Server editor) updated by Oksana (expert) 8 years ago 7


I have two server project for two different drivers. I now want to merge the server projects but it seems I am not able to use the same method as visualisation projects.

Please tell me how to merge server projects

If not possible, please add this ability ASAP as this is absolutely necessary for working with custom drivers

Oksana (expert) 8 years ago

It was released in 1.0.5


Domintell: add module DMV01 (Ventilation controller) please

Wouter Verbeeck 9 years ago in Products / Other drivers updated 8 years ago 7

At this moment, according to the wiki, the module DMV01 is not present.

Please add it to the basic modules.

Oksana (expert) 8 years ago

It's added in Setup


No TAB available when Emulator start for the first time

Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 9 years ago in Applications / i3 Pro updated by Oksana (expert) 8 years ago 5


Install iRidium i3 Pro on a new PC.

Start Studio

Start the Emulator for the first time

The Emulator is asking to login at the iRidium mobile website

Enter your email-address

After this, you want to press the TAB-key to input your password.

See, that the TAB-key is not working to move to the next field.

This is strange; every windows user will use the TAB-key to move to the next field.

Please fix




Есть ли планы по интеграции термостатов Nest в iRidium?

evg 9 years ago in Products / Other drivers updated by Romain LE CAN 8 years ago 34

Выглядит оч круто, но нужны продвинутые знания в программировании - уверен ваша команда программистов справится.

В сочетании с сервером составит огромную конкуренцию термостатам KNX.

Есть API и полная документация.

Я не считаю себя крутым программером, но готов поучаствовать в создании драйвера.

Что скажете?

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Cashing of data received for trends

Oksana (expert) 9 years ago in Server Solutions updated 9 years ago 1

Cash the data downloaded to the client for their displaying in a trend for one session.



1. Open the page with the trend.

2. The client starts downloading data from the database and display them in the trend.

3. Close the page with the trend (or minimized i3 pro).

4. Open the page with the trend again.

-> the data start to download from 0 - it takes time and if the data are received via the mobile Internet it also takes extra traffic.

What we want:

4. Open the page with the trend again

-> the data which were downloaded before are uploaded from cash and only new data is downloaded from the database (if there was some time since you last opened the page with the trend).

The data which are not required (out of the displayed Range) can be gradually deleted.


Add Go to line number feature in JS

Jackie Roos 9 years ago in Applications / Studio (Server editor) updated 9 years ago 3

In the JS Editor it would be great to have

keyboard ALT+G to show

Image 10450

and this take the cursor to the line in the script

When there is a script exception it tells us which line number, and it would be great to have this feature to go straight to the line (especially when the script might be 1000+ lines)


Oksana (expert) 9 years ago

Hello Jackie!

You can check it from Studio! Download (UPD 1.0.5)

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Trigger Button - the third state

ai-systems@bk ru 9 years ago in Applications / i3 Pro updated by TuomoHautala 9 years ago 2

When you press the trigger, we immediately switch its state. Regardless of a response from the equipment or not. Maybe we should add an intermediate state of "waiting for confirmation of the command." In order not to speculate send the value to the bus or not. And the switch to ON only when receive feedback . If feedback is not received within a certain time - go to state 1.


System menu call

Hans Schiessl 9 years ago in Applications / i3 Pro updated by Oksana (expert) 9 years ago 5

We DISABLE the system menu on the device in 'System menu' > info for frontend (gui) users.

BUT we need an additional function or token to overrule this flag or disabled system-menu to force -open- the system menu (like transfer tool) with a script or command from within our own settings-page in the GUI we've created.

In other words: we would like to have the option to open the system menu only by clicking on our own button and not with the hold-7 seconds anywhere.

Is it possible ? And how do we do this?

Oksana (expert) 9 years ago

It has been fixed from i3 pro (beta)