Мы перевели нашу службу поддержки на новую систему технической поддержки. С 17.01.2022 мы отключили возможность создавать обращения через личный кабинет userecho. Теперь все запросы обрабатываются по почте на support@iridi.com .
Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.
сохранение массива в виртуальный канал
имеется массив var Logic_4 = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
сохраняю его в виртуальный канал IR.SetVariable("Server.Channels.Logic_4", Logic_4);
как потом вытащить массив из виртуального канала?
Iridium Server Is it possible to back up Tags to a external file?
I want to change a iridium server to a different PC, and if possible i'd like to back up some Tags that have json objects with stored data, so i could transfer it to the new computer.
Is there a way to back up and restore server tags?
dynamic images
I want to show album art sent to irridium with a MQTT link. How can I do this?
ping device
Hello, is it possible to ping an IP device to check if it is alive or not ?
Let's say that we have a IP Router and I would like to check if is still alive.
If I send a ping command, and the router replay, this means that is alive.
Then If the router is not alive, I will use a controlled relay to switch off and on again to reboot.
iRidium Server check and backup
Is it possible to check if Iridium Server is open on windows? If for some reason it is closed, windows opens it again automatically.
Is it possible to have a second windows pc with a server backup. For some reason, if first server fails another server start to run?
Driver for Tado thermostats / heating
Hi there..
Do somebody have experience with integrating Tado heating with i3? or maybe developed drivers to use?
Make public
Every time I’m opening the i3 lite app, make public (synchronization of project with server) pop up.
Sometimes I need to do this 1-3times before it disappears. And when I use the app some hours later, the same problem comes again.
Ikea smarthome products
Any one have connected ikea smart home products to i3 lite? Like IKEA smart plug and the new IKEA blinds?
Satel Integra driver
To my great joy, the Satel driver has been added. This driver alone does not have the option to add a fixed feedback or commands.
Is there a possibility to add this so that I can use the driver in my own Gui?
How to get the state of an item from a script
Maybe I am missing something, but I cannot find how to get the state of a multistate button (1 or 0) from a script.
Thanks in advance.
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