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We have moved our support service to a new technical support system. Since 17.01.2022, we have disabled the ability to create appeals through the userecho personal account. Now all requests are processed via mail to .

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How to get feedback when open i2 control in control panel

Vuong Xuan Phuc 9 years ago in Products / Other drivers updated 9 years ago 6
I have Myhome system. I want to get state of all device when launch i2. How do that?
Oksana (expert) 9 years ago
May be you have a problem with a network? You restart i2 control? Or minimize app?

C-Bus Load Completed Event

Damian Hartin 10 years ago in Products / C-Bus (Clipsal) updated 10 years ago 3
Could someone please let me know what the event I should be listening for once C-Bus has finished loading?

I want to run some script post the connection to CBus so I can display a "percentage of lights on" label.

Olga (expert) 10 years ago
Dear Damian,

If you need the event which will be activated when after the application start all feedback from C-Bus is received, then we don't have such event.
If you need the event of when the driver connected to the equipment (EVENT_ONLINE), then it doesn't work for the C-Bus driver.
We can recommend you to set up delay after the application start and then monitor the Online token (see the project in the attachment). The delay has to be selected individually for your installation after checking in the log when the last feedback from the equipment comes.
C-Bus SetInterval Status.irpz

Sincerely yours,

Olga Ermakova
iRidium mobile Team

Have you heard or work with an alarm system controlled by iridiummobile?

sorusbay 9 years ago in Products / Other drivers updated by Jackie Roos 9 years ago 2
I need a script for it. Best Regards

Драйвер для BOSE SoundTouch

Oleg Starikov 9 years ago in Products / AV & Custom Systems updated by Oksana (expert) 9 years ago 5

SoundTouchAPI_LicenseAgreement_rev11-18-2014.pdf SoundTouchAPI_Discovery_v1.0.1.pdf SoundTouchAPI_WebServices_v1.0.1.pdf

Добрый день!
получил от BOSE файлы API, но посмотрев в них информацию не до конца понял и не смог сопоставить их с возможностями Иридиума и AV & Custom Systems

не могли бы Вы мне помочь? на одном примере.


PEHA modbus

Jurgen de Meulenaere 9 years ago in Products / Modbus 0

Anyone ever tried to connect a Peha 941 stm an (PLC) with Iridium Mobile?


Problem to control HDL by Internet

Paolo Scarpetta 9 years ago in Products / HDL-BUS Pro updated by Ekaterina (head of support) 9 years ago 5
I have a client where I can not control the instalation outside the house (out the wifi range). Is rare because is the first time it happend to me. I configurate the forward in the router (port 10001 to 10005 to the IP of my HDL device) and doble check the public IP of the house. I can even see the setup from my office with HDL tool sw.
PS. Is not my first instalation when I configurate this and a never have this problem, but is the first time the conection is via optic fiber can be there the problem?

Iridium And ETS Clima

Yeliz Tarhan 9 years ago in Products / KNX updated by anonymous 9 years ago 2
We use air conditioning in the project.

We can not set point .The key is increased and you can see the project screen. It is not from the project. Value remains constant.
Shifting ??
I am sending pictures of the ETS and iridium

Image 8928

Image 8929


Сохранение восстановление данных из iridium

Коллеги добрый день!
Есть банальная задача сохранить расписание включения/выключения чего либо из iridium (как я понимаю в рамках самого iridium это сделать невозможно - нужно что-то прикручивать). Расписание меняется с панелей android iridium. В системе также есть HDL- собственно, расписание работы реле и нужтно сохранять. Также есть неттоп win с iridium. Предпосылка такая - если выключается эл-во вернуть расписание в последнее сохраненное значение на панели iridium. Наверняка кто-нибудь уже делал нечто похожее с выгрузкой/загрузкой данных- поделитесь плиз вариантом. Заранее спасибо!
Under review

Use Bits out of Holding Register Beckhoff Modbus TCP

Jarryd Milissa 10 years ago in Products / Modbus updated by Ekaterina (head of support) 10 years ago 4

i'm searching how i can communicate with mij ipad with iridium mobile and my beckhoff cx8090 controller for a building automation project.

i'm searching for a simple way to control bits that i wanna use to control some lights etc...
but i don't wanna control the hardware outputs immediately , i first wanna control this request in the program with other conditions before i set the hardware outputs.

but i can't find how i set virtual variables from iridium to beckhoff.
from what i found now i think this has to me written in the holding registers 3000 and 4000 of modbus

so i made a variable in beckhoff as you can see in image below:

Image 8491

and then i made in iridium next variable in the modes tcp driver:

Image 8489

Image 8490

this works fine an the value in beckhoff of holding out[3] and holding out[4] changing when i change in iridium.

but this isn't what i exactly want because i wanna sen bit command separately
for example :

button light 1 => set bit 1 in beckhoff

sound simple but i can't find how to do this,

i hope someone can help me with this or has example how to test this

thanks a lot


Saving Scenes

PaulKNX 9 years ago in Products / KNX updated 9 years ago 5

I am trying to implement a project with scenes that are controlled and saved by push buttons and via Iridium. It seems that on some actuators the scenes are saved via the same GA from which they are called, however I cannot find the value/command to send to the actuator in order for it to save the scene.

I do not want to Iridium to control the scene (i.e. send the values to each lamp individually) as doing it this way will add redundancy to the system, if Iridium is down.

If anyone can point me to this information, or just tell me directly, that would be great.
