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Спасибо вам за ваше понимание и хорошего дня.

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SIP and IOS Notifications / Push / Background fetch

Damian Hartin 10 лет назад в Приложения / i3 Pro обновлен Ruud 8 лет назад 13

Hi, just after an update on the status of SIP and IOS notifications.

I read on one of the help pages:
Not supported: receiving calls on iOS from remote devices, if the app is minimized for a long period of time.

Is this still the case or has there been a change that resolves this now?


Oksana (expert) 9 лет назад
Dear Damian,

We plan to implement it but not in the nearest future as we have a lot of other tasks.

Sincerely yours,

Olga Ermakova
iRidium mobile Team
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Apple Watch

Richard le Blanc 9 лет назад в Приложения / i3 Pro обновлен Richard LeBlanc 8 лет назад 7


i few of my clients own a Apple Watch and i often get the question if there is a iRidium app for this device.

Youre competitors like Savant and Live Domus already have a Apple Watch app.

It just would be great to activate like 10 moods via this device but more would be fantastic.

Please let me know if this is going to happen.


Richard de Wit

Voltage Elektrotechniek

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Iridium 3pro & БД

Иван Демидкин 9 лет назад в Server Solutions обновлен Nick Osfol'd 9 лет назад 2

Предлагаю реализовать возможность подключения и чтения любых баз данных(большинства). Большинство оборудования СКУД пишут свою базу в .mdb формате. Поддержка данного формата базы данных могла бы расширить области применения Iridium.

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Draw simple lines / circles etc.

Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 12 лет назад в Приложения / Studio (Server editor) обновлен Oksana (expert) 9 лет назад 2
Please add more tools on the toolbar to draw simple lines (————————–), circles O, etc. Now only 1 object can be draw. Maybe it's also to add a 'free draw' option?

Работа Эмулятора без лицензии

Nikolay Rusanov 10 лет назад в Приложения / i3 Pro обновлен Francesco Zangara 8 лет назад 15
Предлагаю перестать требовать активации лицензии для эмулятора. это всех путает. пусть работает сразу, достаточно ограничить время коннекта - например через 15 минут эмулятор отключается, надо его перезапускать.
Oksana (expert) 9 лет назад

It has been fixed from i3 pro


Changing schedules (clocks/timers) in iRidium Server by end-user

Theo Derks - NL (distributor) 8 лет назад в Server Solutions обновлен Aleksandr Romanov (CTO) 6 лет назад 26


Installers need the option, that end-users can change the scheduled timers/clocks that are defined in iRidium Server.

Also values, used in routines, have to be changeble by end-users. For example set-points for temperatures etc: end-users must be able to change them by theirself.

PLease implement this.



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i3 Server acting like a real HDL-Bus device?

Martin Lang 9 лет назад в Server Solutions обновлен a pivovarov 6 лет назад 16 1 дубликат


would it be possible that i3 Server pro can act and react like a real HDL-Buss Device?

In a real installation, there is a mix of Control-Panels like an iPad/iPhone/Android-Tab and real HDL-Bus enabled panels like the DLP panel or switches. It wouldn't be possible to control actions on the i3 server from other panels than i3 panels.

For example, it should be possible to send dimmervalues directly to the i3 server. the i3 server should act like a 12channel dimmer for example. So it would be possible to trigger normal dimming actions from every HDL Bus Device like it would be a real dimmer. Or for example the i3 server should have UniversalSwitches like the HDL LogicModule, so that we can set and read this UniversalSwitches from any HDL-Bus device, etc.

So, please include a method to add "virtual" HDL-Bus-Devices per channel basis like a DimmerChannel or a UniversalSwitch. Also, additional "virtual" devices would be fine like a temperatur module or a curtain module that gets the values from within i3 Server variables...

Also, please include an option to update the current time and GMT+/-offset via the i3 Server to the LogicModule. So that the annoying daylightsaving time would be automatically corrected on the HDL-Bus.


With best regards,

Martin Lang - MEB Austria

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Change font and font size by script

r riksma 10 лет назад в Приложения / i3 Pro обновлен Andrey S 7 лет назад 5
Reposting these topics to enable voting:
We have to be able to change font type and size of items that are created by javascript.
With this feature we are able to create more dynamic and better looking designs.
The only workaround I know of consists of creating images for every piece of text, multiple times (for every state).

This has been an important improvement:
Please keep up the good work.

Toggle button

ahmad alnems 8 лет назад в Приложения / i3 Pro обновлен Ilya Markov (expert) 8 лет назад 7

Could you please do that in i3 pro
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Static list suggestions

Nikolay Rusanov 9 лет назад обновлен AlejandroG 6 лет назад 3

From my personal work with static lists I would suggest to update it's behavior:

- when first or last popup is selected, it should not try to move further, opening background

- there should be "infinite mode" when after last popup first popup is shown

- there should be "non-page" mode, when drag stops immediately, once finger is up

Please vote!

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